
Bulk Creating and Editing Records



Edit Multiple Records With Unique Data on Each Record

Edit Multiple Records With the Same Data on Each Record

Edit One Record

Import Best Practices



Imports and Bulk Edits are useful when creating a large number of new records or updating a large number of existing records. You may need to work with a Data Manager to perform one or both of these actions.

Click Here to learn more about Importing Data into CRM.

Edit Multiple Records With Unique Data on Each Record

If you need to edit multiple records with unique data on each record, or if you need to clear data from a field on multiple records, you will want to use an Import. For example, if you need to update email addresses across multiple Contacts, you need to enter a unique email address for each record.

Imports allow you to clear data or to enter a unique value for each record.

Edit Multiple Records With the Same Data on Each Record

If you need to edit multiple records with the same data on each record, you can use a Bulk Edit.

A Bulk Edit allows you to make the same changes to multiple records at once. For example, if you sent the Annual ADV and need to update the Last ADV Sent date across all Accounts, you can use a Bulk Edit to enter one unique date that will be updated on all Accounts.

Edit One Record

If you only need to edit one record, do so by navigating to that record and making the necessary change.

Import Best Practices

If your goal is to update existing CRM records via Import, follow these Best Practices: