
February 2022 - What's New in Tamarac CRM


Maintain Multiple Addresses for a Client

Improved Due Dates for Trade Ticket and Incoming Deposit Service Requests

Priority Value added to Service Requests

Financial Accounts Now Included in Global Search

Improved User Lookup Filtering

Learn More - Watch the Release Video


Maintain Multiple Addresses for a Client

Your clients live busy lives and many times you may need to maintain multiple addresses for them. For example, you maintain two addresses for a client who lives in Florida during the winter months and Maine the rest of the year. With this release, we updated how addresses are entered and made it easier to include multiple addresses for accounts, clients, and leads. This way, when clients regularly change addresses, your records can stay up to date with minimal effort.

When you enter a new address, you'll see a new window appear.

Use the Current Mailing Address list to switch between current addresses.

Clients with custom form/lead/contacts will probably need to contact support to get those updated

Improved Due Dates for Trade Ticket and Incoming Deposit Service Requests

We improved service request tickets to make the due date more intuitive and easier to use. With this release, when you create an Incoming Deposit or Trade Ticket service request, you can edit Date to set a custom due date along with the other fields in the Service Request.

Priority Value added to Service Requests


Financial Accounts Now Included in Global Search

The global search appears on every page of Tamarac CRM and searches through many different record types to find the one you're looking for. Now this search includes financial accounts, making global search a more comprehensive tool to find the records you want to view.

Improved User Lookup Filtering

Many firms have "users" that aren't actual people, but instead serve as placeholders or are created for technical reasons. We made it easier to find and select human users by removing non-human users from user lookup searches, making them easier to use.

Learn More - Watch the Release Video