
Event Integration



Events Available for Integration

Tamarac Trading Events

Tamarac Reporting Events



There are many actions you can perform in Tamarac Reporting and Tamarac Trading that can be optionally tracked in Tamarac CRM. In Tamarac CRM, you can choose to track these actions as an event, a completed activity, or both.

Tracking actions taken in Tamarac Reporting or Tamarac Trading an event in Tamarac CRM is very useful if you want to trigger a custom workflow. A custom workflow can be built to automate the next step in a process.

For example, the following process could be automated through using event logs with custom workflows in Tamarac CRM:

Events Available for Integration

Below is a list of the actions in each product that can be logged an event or have a corresponding completed task created. You can also choose to track both an event and a corresponding completed task.

Tamarac Trading Events

Tamarac Reporting Events

Tamarac Trading Events

Below is a list of the information that is available in Tamarac CRM for each event that can be triggered from Tamarac Trading. For some events where action can be taken on multiple accounts or groups a summary event will also be generated if you choose to track the action as an event.

Approve Trades for Accounts or Groups

Create an Account Note

Delete Orders for Accounts or Groups

Log Orders for Accounts or Groups

Place Trades on Hold

Rebalance an Account or Group

Reconcile Trades

Tamarac Reporting Events

Below is a list of the information that is available in Tamarac CRM for each event that can be triggered from Tamarac Reporting. For some events where action can be taken on multiple accounts or groups a summary event will also be generated if you choose to track the action as an event.

Change a client’s email address

Change a client’s household

Client logs in to client portal

Document posted to a client portal by the advisor

Document posted to a client portal by the client

Enable client portal

Generate a PDF report

Reset a client’s password