
Tracking and Set Regarding



Manually Track Outgoing Email Messages

Automatically Track Outgoing Email Messages

Enable Automatic Tracking

How It Works



Email is an important communication tool for any business. Keeping track of emails in Tamarac CRM allows you to easily access a history of emails for your clients and prospects. These include third party emails with individuals such as the client's attorney, CPA, or another vendor.

The integration between Tamarac CRM and your Outlook calendar allows you to maintain your client appointments in Outlook and track them to the client's activities in Tamarac CRM. The integration with your Outlook calendar allows you keep one calendar for both work and personal appointments but only track those related to clients or prospects to Tamarac CRM.

You should always create email messages and appointments in Outlook and track them to Tamarac CRM. This allows you to leverage the native functionality for emails and appointments in Outlook.

Manually Track Outgoing Email Messages

To learn more about tracking and set regarding in Dynamics 365 for Outlook, see Overview of tracking records in Dynamics 365 for Outlook (link opens an external site).

Best Practice

Use Set Regard to file emails in the appropriate contact, account, or lead record.

Automatically Track Outgoing Email Messages

You can automatically track outgoing messages from Outlook/Exchange into Tamarac CRM. Instead of having to Set Regard to link an email to a record, automatic email tracking allows the Dynamics 365 app to link emails to a lead or contact record if an email address in the record matches an address in an outgoing email. These emails appear in the Timeline and Related Activities. This helps ensure that your client and lead records accurately capture the communication you’re having with those clients.

When enabled, this is a firm-wide setting that applies to everyone who uses the Outlook integration.


This feature is part of the native Outlook integration in Dynamics 365, provided by Microsoft. Functionality may change with updates.

Enable Automatic Tracking

To enable automatic tracking of outgoing messages, a data manager at your firm must contact the Tamarac Support team. Tamarac Support will enable this functionality in Tamarac CRM for your site.

How It Works

When an email is sent or received, the automation reviews the email addresses to see if they are in CRM on the lead or contact records.