
Preset Client Portal Configurations



Account Performance


Asset Allocation

Capital Flows

Comparative Review


Income and Expenses

Position Performance

Projected Income

Realized Gains/Losses




As you set up the new client portal, you'll notice some differences between the settings available in the legacy client portal and the new client portal. We've established preset, hard-coded defaults for legacy portal settings that you don't configure in the new portal.

This page provides a list of all those new client portal configurations.

Account Performance

The following are preset options on the Account Performance page and widget.

Setting name Setting configuration New client portal behavior
Category filter None Includes all categories.
Only show returns for assets held at the end of the period Cleared Includes all assets held at any point in the period, even if they were not held at the end.


The following are preset options on the Activity page and widget.

Setting name Setting configuration New client portal behavior
Show the following activity types All are selected Includes all activity types.
Annualize returns Cleared Reports returns cumulatively based on their time periods.
Include intra-group flows Cleared Excludes intra-group flows from inflows and outflows. If there is a data issue, you may notice intra-group flows in and out do not equal zero.

Asset Allocation

The following are preset options on the Asset Allocation page and widget.

Setting name Setting configuration New client portal behavior
Filter by <None> Shows all assets without filtering by category.
Use security group categories Cleared Reports on security groups by their holding account's categorization.
Use SMA categories Cleared Reports SMAs based on the categories assigned to the underlying securities.

Capital Flows

The following are preset options on the Capital Flows page and widget.

Setting name Setting configuration New client portal behavior
Combine transfer lots Selected Rolls up all the lots into one transfer record.
Include date periods with now flows Selected Displays all time periods for the date period, regardless of flows.
Include expenses that do not reduce {x} performance

{x} = Net


Shows expenses that do not reduce  the net performance.
Include intra-group flows Cleared Excludes intra-group flows from inflows and outflows. If there is a data issue, you may notice intra-group flows in and out do not equal zero.
Include net investment Selected Always shows the net investment line on the capital flows chart.

Comparative Review

The following are preset options on the Comparative Review page and widget.

Setting name Setting configuration New client portal behavior
Include capital gains in realized gain/loss columns Cleared Excludes capital gains distributions.
Only show returns for managed assets Selected Only includes returns for managed assets.
Use security group categories Cleared Reports on security groups by their holding account's categorization.
Use SMA categories Cleared Reports SMAs based on the categories assigned to the underlying securities.


The following are preset options on the Holdings page and widget.

Setting name Setting configuration New client portal behavior
Combine group positions Selected Always combines common positions in the group.
Report security groups as a single line item Cleared Shows each security as its own line item.
Show lot-level detail Cleared Never shows lot-level detail. All lots for a security are combined into one line item.
Show position detail Selected Always shows underlying positions. 

Income and Expenses

The following are preset options on the Income and Expenses page and widget.

Setting name Setting configuration New client portal behavior
Include long-term capital gains distributions Selected Includes a section to report on long-term capital gains.
Include non-taxable accounts Selected Includes non-taxable accounts.
Include return of principal payments Selected Includes a section to report on returns of principal.
Include short-term capital gains distributions Selected Includes a section to report on short-term capital gains.
Show the following expense types All are selected Includes all the expense types.

Position Performance

The following are preset options on the Position Performance page and widget.

Setting name Setting configuration New client portal behavior
Annualize returns Cleared Reports returns cumulatively based on their time periods.
Exclude all securities added to the Cash Settings page Cleared Includes all securities designated as cash.
Report security groups as a single line item Cleared Shows each security as its own line item.

Projected Income

The following are preset options on the Projected Income page and widget.

Setting name Setting configuration New client portal behavior
Combine group positions Selected Always combines common positions in the group.
Mark projected with: * Marks projected income values with an asterisk (*).
Report security groups as a single line item Cleared Shows each security as its own line item.

Realized Gains/Losses

The following are preset options on the Realized Gains/Losses page and widget.

Setting name Setting configuration New client portal behavior
Include non-taxable accounts Cleared Excludes non-taxable accounts.
Show capital gains distributions Cleared Excludes capital gains distributions.
Show lot-level detail Selected Displays each lot as a separate line item.


The following are preset options on the Summary page and widget.

Setting name Setting configuration New client portal behavior
Include intra-group flows Cleared Excludes intra-group flows from inflows and outflows. If there is a data issue, you may notice intra-group flows in and out do not equal zero.