
December 2024 - What's New in Tamarac Reporting


New Client Portal

Set the Default Data Source Clients See in the New Client Portal

Include Unit Cost and Annual Income in the New Client Portal Holdings Report


New Client Portal

Set the Default Data Source Clients See in the New Client Portal

In the past, the account or group a dashboard or page used in the client portal depended on a variety of factors. As a result, clients might not always see the account or group you consider most relevant to them. With this release, you can set the default data source when a client first opens the portal. This lets you choose which reporting group or account serves as the data source when a client enters the portal, helping ensure that clients see the most important information immediately.

In the new client-level Default account option, you can choose:

For more information, see Set the Default Account Clients See in the New Client Portal.

Include Unit Cost and Annual Income in the New Client Portal Holdings Report

In the new client portal, when creating or editing a Holdings report, you can now include the columns following columns:

Including these columns helps add value for you clients when analyzing their holdings.

You’ll see these new columns in the Configuration Tool, on the Holdings page under Table columns.