
Bulk Report Status



Access Bulk Reports

Read the Bulk Report Status Page



The Bulk Report Status page allows you to view the current status, as well as details about the bulk reports you've run. You can also download your successful bulk reports, as well as delete any reports you don't need.

To view the status of your bulk reports, click Bulk Report Status in the Reports menu. In addition, you can find a direct link on the Bulk Reports page.

Access Bulk Reports

Bulk reports stay on the Bulk Report Status page for a week. You can download the available reports at any time during that time.

Track report progress and download completed bulk reports by clicking the near the top of the page.

Read the Bulk Report Status Page

For each bulk report run, the Bulk Report Status page provides the following details: 

Column More Information

This column list the name you've specified for the bulk report.

Time Requested

The date and time you ran the bulk report.

Time Completed

The date and time the bulk report finished running.


Shows the current progress for the bulk report.

  • Started indicates the bulk report has started running but is not complete or ready for download.

  • Succeeded indicates the bulk report is complete and ready for download.

Download Report Click this link to download the report. You will then be prompted to save or open the file by your browser.

Click this link to delete the report. When you do this, the report will no longer be available for download.

Refresh Status

Click this link to refresh the status of your reports.