
Upload Status and Troubleshooting



Reading the Upload Status Page

Troubleshooting Warnings and Errors



The Upload Status page allows you to view details about the uploads you've made to Tamarac Reporting. It also allows you to see if your previous uploads were successful and read any warnings or errors generated due to the uploaded data.


After every upload, check the Upload Status page to ensure no errors or warnings appeared. These errors or warnings could prevent your data from appearing in Tamarac Reporting and should be addressed as soon as possible.

To view the status of your uploads, click Upload Status in the Setup menu, under Data Management. In addition, you can find direct links on the Upload page.

Smart Help Video: The Upload Status Page

In this short video, you'll learn how to use data specifications to improve upload success and how to troubleshoot issues using the Upload Status page.

Reading the Upload Status Page

For each data set you've uploaded, the Upload Status page provides the following details: 

Column More Information
Uploaded Date Identifies the date and time of the listed upload. This can help differentiate between different uploads of the same data set.
Uploaded By Identifies the user who uploaded the data.
Status Lists the current status of the upload. In the case of larger uploads, uploads can take some time, so this column will give you the latest information on the status of an upload. Completed uploads will have a Completed status.
Completed Date Identifies the date and time the listed upload was completed. If the upload is still processing, this column will be blank.
Total Upload Data Sets Because you can upload multiple upload data sets at a single time, including multiple instances of the same upload data set, this column lists the number of upload data sets added during a single upload.
Succeeded Lists the number of upload data sets that were successful in the listed upload instance.
Partially Succeeded Lists the number of upload data sets that were partially successful in the listed upload instance. In some cases, some rows of data may be successful while others fail. These cases are considered Partially Succeeded.
Failed Lists the number of upload data sets that failed. For these upload data sets, no data within the upload were accepted.
Errors Lists the number of individual errors found within each upload.
Warnings Lists the number of individual warnings within each upload.

Click > next to each upload to see more information about each upload, including the following: 

Troubleshooting Warnings and Errors

After uploading data, it's best practice to always check the Upload Status page as soon as possible. Here, you'll see if the upload was accepted. You can also view any errors or warnings generated during the upload so that you can address these errors as soon as possible.

Click > to see more details about possible errors or warnings: 

An error indicates that the data wasn't accepted. A warning indicates the upload at least partially succeeded, but there were issues you might want to be aware of. If errors or warnings aren't addressed, this can cause clients' accounts to have incorrect values.

The following are some common reasons why you might see upload errors and warnings:

If you see errors or warnings you cannot resolve, contact Tamarac service to resolve these issues so that account values are accurately reflected.