
Default Account/Household Mapping



Default Household Mapping



You can configure the fields mapped between Tamarac Reporting and Salesforce, such as Household name, managed value, and household address. This will keep Household information in sync between Salesforce and Tamarac Reporting, allow you to see Household rollup financial values in directly in Salesforce, and streamline your processes when Household information changes.

This is a two-way sync, so you can change Household information in Tamarac Reporting or Salesforce and the change immediately syncs to the other system.

Tamarac Reporting Directionality Salesforce Sync Frequency
Household Account Immediately upon change being made

For more information about mapping, see Understanding Mapping in the Salesforce Integration.

For more information about setting up the Tamarac app for installations of Salesforce that don't use Financial Services Cloud, see Learn More About Salesforce Integration Onboarding with Sales Cloud.

Use these default mappings when you Configure Account/Household Mapping.

Default Household Mapping

The following Household/Account fields automatically map between Tamarac Reporting and Salesforce.

Tamarac Reporting Field Salesforce Field Action
Household – CRM ID Account ID

Track the ID of the record from Salesforce.

This field must be mapped in order for the Household integration to be enabled.

Household – City Billing City

Integrate the city field in the address between Salesforce and Tamarac.

Household – Managed Value Managed Value

Integrate the managed value of the Household from Tamarac to Salesforce. This is a rollup of the managed value for financial accounts associated to the household.

The integration for this field is one-way, from Tamarac to Salesforce. The rollup only considers financial accounts associated to the Household in Tamarac. It does not include any financial accounts that are associated to the Household in Salesforce only.

Household – Management Fee Mgmt Fee

Integrate the management fee for the Household from Tamarac to Salesforce. This is a rollup of the management fee for financial accounts associated to the household.

The integration for this field is one-way, from Tamarac to Salesforce. The rollup only considers financial accounts associated to the Household in Tamarac. It does not include any financial accounts that are associated to the Household in Salesforce only.

Household – Name Account Name

Integrate the account name between Salesforce and Tamarac.

This field must be mapped in order for the Household integration to be enabled.

Household – State Billing State/Province

Integrate the state or Canadian province of the address between Salesforce and Tamarac.


Tamarac only accepts US states and Canadian provinces in this field. Other values will cause this field to show as blank in Tamarac Reporting.

Household – State of Primary Residence State of Primary Residence

Integrate the state of primary residence between Salesforce and Tamarac.


Tamarac only accepts US states and Canadian provinces in this field. Other values will cause this field to show as blank in Tamarac Reporting.

Household – Street Billing Street

Integrate the street between Salesforce and Tamarac.

Only lines 1 - 4 of the Street Address in Tamarac Reporting sync to Salesforce. Any information in lines 5 and 6 is not included in integration.

Household – Tamarac ID Tamarac Advisor View ID

Track the ID of the record from Tamarac Reporting.

This field must be mapped in order for the Household integration to be enabled.

Household – Total Value Total Value

Integrate the total value for the Household from Tamarac to Salesforce. This is a rollup of the total value for financial accounts associated to the household.

The integration for this field is one-way, from Tamarac to Salesforce. The rollup only considers financial accounts associated to the Household in Tamarac. It does not include any financial accounts that are associated to the Household in Salesforce only.

Household – Unmanaged Value Unmanaged Value

Integrate the unmanaged value for the Household from Tamarac to Salesforce. This is a rollup of unmanaged value for financial accounts associated to the household.

The integration for this field is one-way, from Tamarac to Salesforce. The rollup only considers financial accounts associated to the Household in Tamarac. It does not include any financial accounts that are associated to the Household in Salesforce only.

Household – Updated by Tamarac Integration Updated by Tamarac Integration

Track when an update in Salesforce is made through integration with Tamarac.

This field must be mapped in order for the Household integration to be enabled.

Household – Zip Billing Zip/Postal Code Integrate the zip code in the address between Salesforce and Tamarac.