
Export Page Data



Export Page Data to a Spreadsheet (CSV) File



On many pages in Tamarac, you have the option to export the data you see on the screen to a CSV file for further analysis. This export is different from generating a bulk report because it exports the data from the columns you've added to the page for the entities—accounts, groups, securities, trades, orders, etc.—you select.

For information about exporting data with bulk reports, see Learn More About Bulk Data Exports & Uploads.

Export Page Data to a Spreadsheet (CSV) File

To export the information on the a page to a comma-delimited (CSV) file, follow these steps:

  1. On the page you want to export, select the check box next to the records you want export data for.

    To select all the records at once, use the Select All check box.

  2. In the Actions list, click Export Data or Export to CSV.

  3. Optionally, for the Accounts page, select the Include direct members check box if you want to export the direct members of the selected account or accounts, or leave it cleared if you don't want direct members exported.

  4. The data are exported and saved to your computer as a CSV file.