
Securities Dashboard Widget




Underlying Accounts


Change the Display Name

Change Your Viewing Options

Add or Remove Columns from the Widget



The Securities widget allows you to view a list of your top securities and order them by one of several categories. It gives you an at-a-glance view of security holdings.

You can customize this widget to change the number of securities you see in the list, change the sorting criteria, and add columns to provide additional information about those securities.

You can use this widget to help you take actions based on the securities you hold. For example, you can use the list to find unassigned securities that require additional action, whether that's adding the securities to models or creating substitute securities within clients' accounts. You can also view gain and loss information to possibly find tax harvesting opportunities.

You can also view the underlying accounts associated with any of the securities without leaving the Dashboard.


The Account Reports section of the dashboard shows a summary of information for your accounts in Tamarac Trading.

You can filter the information you see within Account Reports widgets in the following ways: 

Underlying Accounts

You can view the underlying accounts immediately without having to navigate away from the Dashboard. To view these accounts, click the icon. This opens a dialog box showing the accounts associated with that security.


You can customize the information you see on the Securities widget in the following ways.

Change the Display Name

To change how the name that appears on the widget, follow these steps: 

  1. Under the dashboard icon, select Tamarac Trading.

  2. Click to open settings for the Securities widget.

  3. In Report Name, type the appropriate name. You can use up to 128 characters.

  4. Click Save.

Change Your Viewing Options

To change how the Securities widget is grouped and sorted, follow these steps: 

  1. Under the dashboard icon, select Tamarac Trading.

  2. Click to open settings for the Securities widget.

  3. Under View, change the number of securities listed, if desired. Choose Top 10 or Top 20.

  4. Under View, choose the category you'd like to view: 

    Option More Information
    Unassigned Securities Shows unassigned securities, those securities not part of a model
    Assigned Securities Shows assigned securities, those securities part of models
  5. Change Order by to your preferred view. You can sort by any of these criteria in Ascending or Descending order: 

  6. Click Save.

Add or Remove Columns from the Widget

To change the visible columns, follow these steps: 

  1. Under the dashboard icon, select Tamarac Trading.

  2. Click to open settings for the Securities widget.

  3. In Optional Columns, choose the appropriate column.

    Column More Information
    Accounts The number of accounts holding that security.
    Initial Value The total initial value for all single accounts holding that security.
    Post Rebalance Value The total value for all accounts holding that security after rebalance. If an account holding the security isn't rebalanced, its initial holding value is used.
    Unrealized Initial LT Gain The total value of all unrealized long-term gains or losses for all accounts holding that security.
    Unrealized Initial ST Gain The total value of all unrealized short-term gains or losses for all accounts holding that security.
    Unrealized Initial Total Gain The total value of all long and short-term gains or losses for all accounts holding that security.
  4. Click Save.