
June 2023 - What's New in Tamarac Trading


Rebalance Page Updates

Rebalance Tab Loads by Default From the Rebalance Page

Add Deviations as a Category Type on the Rebalance Page

Learn More - Watch the Release Video


Rebalance Page Updates

Rebalance Tab Loads by Default From the Rebalance Page

We know how important the Rebalance page is to you and your business. Typically, when you open Account Settings on the Rebalance page, you are adjusting a Rebalancing Account setting. To streamline your process, after this release, you’ll see the Rebalance tab load as the default option when you open Account Settings from the Rebalance page. This enhancement will apply to Accounts and Rebalancing groups.

Single Account

Group Account

Add Deviations as a Category Type on the Rebalance Page


This feature will be available on June 22, 2023.

Recognizing the importance of aligning with your client’s goals, we understand that maintaining alignment is crucial. That's why we have listened to your feedback and developed a powerful solution that provides more control and flexibility. With this release, you can now use Deviations as a category type. You will now have a comprehensive view of your clients' portfolios, allowing you to identify and address any deviations from their desired asset allocation.

This enhancement will allow you to quickly search for accounts with deviations out of tolerance as targets for rebalancing.

Learn More - Watch the Release Video