
Learn More About Setup and User Management

Learn More About User Management

Learn more about the actions you can complete on the User Management page, including managing users, managing roles, maintaining model sets, and more.

Learn More About Rebalancing System Settings

See detailed information and guidance about the various settings on the Rebalancing System Settings page.

Reconciliation Tolerances

Find out more about the settings on the Reconciliation Tolerances page, as well as reconciliation logic affected by the tolerances you set on this page.

Custom Fields

You can add custom fields to securities, accounts, and groups to track additional data not already covered by existing fields. Learn more about creating and using these custom fields.

Learn More About Fee Schedules

Find out more about fee schedules, including the various fee schedule types you can set up in Tamarac Trading to ensure that clients are charged the correct fees related to mutual funds.

Filtering Trade File Formats

Find out more about how to filter and limit the number of trade file formats you see on various lists throughout Tamarac Trading; this can be done on the Rebalancing System Settings page.