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Data Specifications
Use this upload link to access the specific data requirements for each of the data fields you can upload for your upload data set.
Because data specifications change, you can find the most updated data specifications for each upload data set by clicking the Data Specifications link on the Uploads page, found on the Setup menu.
The Data Specifications link provides the following information for each upload type:
Field Name: Indicates the column heading you'll use for that particular piece of data.
Description: This is the short description of that data field.
Field Condition: Indicates whether that particular field is required or not. You'll see one of these field conditions:
RequiredThat field must be provided for a successful upload.
Required ConditionallyThat field may be required depending on other data provided in the upload.
Not requiredThat field is optional and can be uploaded depending on your needs and available data.
Data Type: Indicates if the field is one of these types:
StringAlpha text fields, e.g. Smith Group to indicate the name of a group
NumericNumbers, e.g. 100 to indicate a buy price of $100
DateA date, e.g. 2/1/2003, in MM/DD/YYY format, to indicate the purchase date of a security
Size: This is the maximum number of characters you can enter for that field.
For more information, see Understanding Bulk Data Uploads.