
Override All Missing Returns to Display

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Client Portal

This setting allows you to override the default missing return indicators if an account was holding assets during a date period, but there aren't returns for that date period. This could happen if the account data were entered with an upload that didn't include return data for a period.

In this case, use Override all missing returns to display: to mark intervals without returns as blank, n/a, or -.

Default Missing Return Indicators

By default, Tamarac Reporting uses the following indicators for missing returns:

Display What it means
  • Invalid return: The return was not calculated. For example, if a performance report is run for the year to date, but an account was closed two years before, that account's data will be marked n/a for performance returns.

This applies only to performance returns.

  • There are no data to display, or no data are available. For example, if a holdings or transaction report is run for the year to date, but an account was closed two years before, that account's values will be marked -.

  • The value cannot be calculated. For example, if the data point is calculated by dividing and the denominator is 0, Tamarac returns -.

  • If you choose to exclude an account from performance, you'll see - on performance reports for that account.

This takes precedence over n/a.

  • The value is actually zero.

Cash Securities and Missing Returns

If your firm excludes cash from performance, cash securities will always show as n/a. You may want to choose to mark missing returns with a different indicator to avoid confusion.

Related Links

For more information about the Performance History report, see Performance History.

For more information about calculating performance, see Learn More About Calculations.