
Track Managed Value and Net Worth in Tamarac CRM




Include a Financial Account in Net Worth

From the Financial Account

From the Account

Add a Financial Account Relationship

Add a Relationship Record

Delete a Relationship Record

See Changes to Relationships

Net Worth Fields and Calculations



Tracking net worth is a key component of your business. To help you accurately track clients' net worth, Tamarac CRM offers the following features:

This topic provides details on how to set up a Financial Account-Account relationship to include a Financial Accounts in the CRM Net Worth calculation for the Account.


You can only assign the Financial Account to one Account. You can't assign a Financial Account to multiple accounts.

Include a Financial Account in Net Worth

To include a Financial Account in the net worth calculation for a Household, turn on Include in Net Worth for that Financial Account.

You can access this setting from the Household/Financial Account Relationship, which is available in the Financial Account or Account.

If the toggle is locked, the Account or Financial Account is linked to a record in Tamarac Reporting. In this case, the toggle follows the Include in Net Worth settings applied in Tamarac Reporting. For more information, see Household Integration.

From the Financial Account

On the Financial Account, in the Relationship sub-grid, you control Include in Net Worth:

The new relationship is also available in the Household/Financial Account Relationships page under Related for the Financial Account.

From the Account

On the Account, in the Relationship sub-grid, you control Include in Net Worth:

The new relationship is also available in the Household/Financial Account Relationships page under Related for the Account.

Add a Financial Account Relationship

You can manually add a new Financial Account relationship from either the Financial Account or Account level using +New FA Relationship. When you add the new relationship, you can set Include in Net Worth.

Add a Relationship Record

When adding a Financial Account relationship, you will be required to fill in the Account or Financial Account depending on where you are adding from.

Delete a Relationship Record

Deleting the record will only delete the Household-Financial Account Relationship record. This will not delete the Account or Financial Account records.

To remove the relationship, in the relationship, on the ribbon, select Delete.

The record will be deleted and not be shown either from the Financial Account or Account.

See Changes to Relationships

After you've added or removed a Financial Account, select Refresh on the sub-grid to refresh the view and see the changes.

Net Worth Fields and Calculations

The net worth-related fields you can edit change depending on whether:

The following table provides details on each possible scenario.

Account Linked? At least one Financial account? Managed Value, Unmanaged Value, Assets, & Liabilities Fields Locked? Managed Value, Unmanaged Value, Assets, & Liabilities data source? calculations
No No All unlocked Manually entered on the Account.
  • Total Value = Account Managed Value + Unmanaged Value
  • Net Worth = Account Managed Value + Unmanaged Value + Assets - Liabilities
No Yes
  • Managed Value, Unmanaged are locked.
  • Assets, Liabilities are unlocked.
  • Managed Value: Automatically calculated as the sum of all associated Financial Accounts Managed Values
  • Unmanaged Value: Automatically calculated as the sum of all associated Financial Accounts Unmanaged Values.
  • Assets, Liabilities Manually entered on the Account.

  • Total Value = Account Managed Value + Unmanaged Value
  • Net Worth: = (Managed Values + Unmanaged Values of all associated Financial Accounts with Include in Net Worth = Yes) + Assets - Liabilities.
Yes Yes Yes Automatically synced from Tamarac Reporting.
  • Total Value = Not calculated, received from Tamarac Reporting
  • Net Worth = Not calculated, received from Tamarac Reporting

The following events trigger a net worth recalculation: