
Household Integration



Edit Name, Address, or State of Primary Residence

Net Worth & Revenue Calculators

Net Worth Calculator

Revenue Calculator

Financial Account Members

Contextual Single Sign-On



Keeping Household information up to date across many systems takes time. The integration between Tamarac CRM and Tamarac Reporting allows you to keep this type of information in sync seamlessly and reduces potential errors.

Using Household integration bi-directionally integrates the Household name and address between Tamarac CRM and Tamarac Reporting to reduce redundancies in data management. Household integration additionally updates the fields in the Net Worth and Revenue calculators for all linked Households.

Edit Name, Address, or State of Primary Residence

If you have enabled Household integration, you can change the following in either Tamarac CRM or Tamarac Reporting and the change will immediately update the other system. Your Households must be linked between Tamarac CRM and Tamarac Reporting to use the bi-directional integration.

The bi-directional integration includes the following fields:

Tamarac CRM Field Tamarac Reporting Field
Name Name
Address 1 Address
State of Primary Residence State/Province of Primary Residence

See Household Linking for detailed information on how to link your Households.

Net Worth & Revenue Calculators

If you have enabled Household integration and your Households are linked with Tamarac Reporting, the values in the Net Worth & Revenue calculators will update daily following the sync with Tamarac Reporting. On the Household in Tamarac CRM, you will see the values for all financial accounts that belong to the Household in Tamarac Reporting.

Net Worth Calculator

All values in the net worth calculator are integrated from Tamarac Reporting. If you add an unlinked financial account to an account in Tamarac CRM, you must specifically include it in the net worth calculation. For more information, see Track Managed Value and Net Worth in Tamarac CRM.

For a linked Household the following values will be updated:

Revenue Calculator

The revenue calculator is updated with integration from Tamarac Reporting. If you add a financial account to an account in Tamarac CRM, the values in the revenue calculator will not be updated. The Mgmt. Fee Adj field allows you to adjust for cash payments or back out of sub-advisor fees, these adjustments need to be entered manually.

For a linked household, the following values will be updated by integration:

Please reference Household Linking for detailed information on how to link your Households.

Financial Account Members

If you have enabled Household integration, your settings in Tamarac Reporting will affect how your financial accounts and reporting groups are managed in Tamarac CRM.

Action Result
Link a Household from Tamarac Reporting to Tamarac CRM After the next sync, all financial accounts and reporting groups in Tamarac Reporting associated with the linked Household will be associated to the Tamarac CRM account.
Remove a Household link in Tamarac Reporting The financial accounts and reporting groups for that Household will remain associated to their Tamarac CRM account.
Add/remove accounts for a linked Household in Tamarac Reporting After the next sync, the Tamarac CRM account linked to the Household will show any financial accounts you added and will not show financial accounts you removed.
Remove groups from a linked Household in Tamarac Reporting After the next sync, the group will be removed from the Tamarac CRM account that was linked to the Tamarac Reporting Household. Accounts that were indirect members of the Household through the removed group will be removed from the Household unless they also had direct membership with the Household.
Delete a linked Household in Tamarac Reporting Accounts in Tamarac CRM retain their associations with financial accounts and reporting groups. Nothing is deleted in Tamarac CRM.
Set a linked Household as Primary in Tamarac Reporting After sync, financial account or reporting group associations will be updated for any linked Households.
The Primary Account/Household field is populated with the selected Household for the financial account or reporting group in Tamarac CRM.  

See Financial Account Integration for more detailed information on membership and data syncing.

Contextual Single Sign-On

From Tamarac CRM you can easily access more information about the Household in Tamarac Reporting using the Open in Tamarac button. When opening a Household in Tamarac Reporting with the Open in Tamarac button, Tamarac Reporting automatically opens the Household page and uses contextual linking to display the most relevant data: