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Views and Advanced Finds
Clients - Negative Contribution Rate Compliance - Clients Added This Year Compliance - Clients Terminated This Year Financial Accounts - Closed in Tamarac Reporting |
Some of these features are only available in Tamarac CRM for Dynamics 365.
Tamarac CRM contains many system views that allow you to quickly bring up a specific list of information, like active clients. Many of these views will provide much of what you're looking for but you may find you'd like to manipulate how the information is displayed in a current system view or what information is displayed. For example, you don't need to change the search criteria for the Clients – Active view but you would like to see the secondary contact in the view so we don't need to open each account for this information.
Start from within a System View and add your own filters/columns to customize it. This will save you time because you will be starting with certain filters/columns that you would have needed to add anyway.
This view shows a list of activities that meet all the following criteria:
Activity Type is not a quick campaign, and...
Activity status is open or scheduled, and...
Activity party is equal to the current user. This would be you. Depending on the type of activity you are looking at, the activity party will include:
This view shows a list of activities based on the following criteria:
Activity Type is a Task or Phone Call.
Activity status is open, scheduled, or completed in the last 7 days. Open activities must be due in the next 7 days or overdue.
Owner is not the current user.
Created by is the current user. This results in items that you have created for other people at your firm.
The list will be sorted by Due Date. This ensures that you can quickly see items that are past due so that you can open it up to read any updates left by the owner. If no notes have been added, you would want to Ping! your coworker to get an update.
Since you will see both open and completed activities on this list, we have added the Activity Status column. As your team works on the activities that you have assigned them, you will see the status change. This eliminates the need to walk to their desk for an update. Once the status changes to completed, you can open the activity to read the notes.
Completed activities will leave this view after 7 days.
All Activities associated to a specific record.
All clients who need to be contacted to schedule a review. This view looks at your accounts based on the following criteria:
Account type is household and...
Account status is active and...
Last appointment is older than meeting frequency—for example, meeting frequency is annual and last appointment is older than 12 months.
Any accounts where last appointment, meeting frequency, next scheduled review, or last review request are blank.
It's important to check in with your clients at least once per quarter. Tamarac CRM makes it easy for you to see which clients you need to reach out to with the Clients – Needing Contact view. This view gives you a snapshot of clients you haven't spoken with since last quarter. Some clients may have a review meeting that coincides with their next touch base; these clients will be removed from the view when you enter a Last Review Request date. This view looks at your Accounts based on the following criteria:
Account type is household, and...
Account status is active, and...
Last contacted is older than 3 months or last review request is older than 1 month.
Many clients choose to send correspondence to clients on their birthday. Use this View or the Birthday Report to manually monitor when birthdays are coming up or use Processes that will create a Task to alert you of an upcoming birthday.
You can use the Client Birthday view to find upcoming birthdays for clients within the next three months. This view looks at your contacts based on the following criteria:
Contact status is active, and…
Contact next birthday is in the next three months, and…
The contact is associated to an account with an account type of household.
Active Accounts with a Type of Household.
Allows you to easily identify whether any of your accounts are at a negative contribution rate. You can find this view on the Financial Accounts page.
Provides a list of all the clients you added for the current year. You can find this view on the Accounts page.
Provides a list of all the clients that were terminated for the current year. You can find this view on the Accounts page.
Active Financial Accounts with a Closed Date in CRM.
In addition, you can create your own Custom views that are for personal use, or create custom views to share with other Users at your firm. Advanced Find provides powerful and flexible searching options. For instance, you can find any combination of active service offerings you want to see for one of your accounts, leads, or opportunities. For instance, you could find which of your accounts have only Tax Planning as a service type (not Tax Planning plus other service offerings). Or you could see the accounts that have only Tax Planning and Estate Planning as service types. The number of search criteria is up to you, so you can create a search with as many specific service types as you need.
Click here to learn more about creating, editing and saving Advanced Finds in Dynamics CRM.
All Views in CRM are personal unless they are shared. If you've created a View that you need to share with other members of your team, you can do so by following these steps:
Click the Saved Views button towards the top left of the Advanced Find window.
Select the View you want to share.
Click the Share button towards the top-middle of the window.
Click Add User/Team and search for the User you want to share this View with.
Give them at least Read and Share access so they can view this saved View and can share it with others or unshare it with themselves.