
Composite Saved Searches



Enable Composite Reporting

Build a Composite Saved Search

Saved Searches vs. Composite Saved Searches



You can identify accounts to add to a composite by using saved searches. Using saved searches, you can look for accounts that meet specific criteria—for example, you can use saved searches to locate taxable accounts that have the same objective (such as aggressive growth) with the same advisor.

By using saved searches, you can organize workflows to identify accounts that meet your predefined criteria.

Enable Composite Reporting

To enable composite reporting for your firm, please contact your Tamarac service team for assistance.

Build a Composite Saved Search

To create a saved search, follow these steps:

  1. On the Reports menu, under Composite Reports, click Composites Saved Searches.

  2. In the Select a Saved Search list, click Select a Saved Search.

  3. In the Search Name box, type a name for the saved search.

  4. Click the Include groups in composite search check box to include the groups you have marked for composite reporting. Tamarac Reporting validates the groups to ensure they are allowed for composite reporting.

  5. Click Add Filter.

  6. Add the necessary search filter to the saved search. Once selected, additional criteria will appear. Make appropriate adjustments where applicable for each search option you add. For more information, see Search Filters.

You can also use the Search category list to show or hide search filters. This allows you to further narrow the search filter by searching within accounts, billing, cash, etc.

  1. To add a filter set, click Add Filter Set. Filter sets are essentially a search within a search—for example, you can use a filter set to find accounts assigned to a particular Allocation or Security Level model and have an account value of at least $250K and is holding either MSFT or IBM.

  2. Use the Match all/any of the following lists to specify whether the search results should match any or all of your criteria.

  1. When finished creating the search, click Save.

Saved Searches vs. Composite Saved Searches

When creating composite saved searches, there are a few differences that are considered.