
Customize Some Page and Widget Colors on Reports Templates



Customize Widget and Page Colors



To make the client portal experience match your firm’s branding more closely, you can customize the colors on the following widgets and pages for on the Reports template, rather than on the Branding template:

For example, if your firm palette emphasizes greens, you could set the MoneyGuide widget meter to use dark green, green, and light green.

The colors you set apply only for this Reports template. Clients assigned to a different Reports template will see default colors if you don't customize them on that template.


You customize the colors of the overall client portal in the Branding template. For more information, see Customize Branding Template Colors.

This topic provides steps for how to customize the colors for specific pages in the Reports template.

Customize Widget and Page Colors

To set the colors in the Reports template:

  1. On the Client Reporting menu, select Configuration Tool (New).

  2. Select Reports.

  3. Select the Reports template where you want to customize the colors.

  4. Select Configure colors.

  5. Select the desired tab. You'll only see tabs for features your firm is using. If you don't have MoneyGuide set up, you won't see MoneyGuide color configuration options.

  6. Set the colors as desired.

  7. Select Save in the Colors dialog.

  8. To keep working on the template later, select Save as draft. Firm users can see and edit draft templates, but can't assign them to clients. To make the template available to assign to clients, select Publish.