
Customize Branding Template Colors



Customize Branding Template Colors With a Hex Code

Customize Branding Template Colors With the Color Picker



The Branding template determines the look and feel of the client portal. You can customize various features of the branding template, including color scheme.

This topic provides steps for how to change the colors for a Branding template. For details on where each color appears in the client portal, see Branding Template Onboarding Guide.


You customize the colors of the following widgets and pages on the Reports template:

For more information, see Customize Some Page and Widget Colors on Reports Templates.

Customize Branding Template Colors With a Hex Code

To change the colors of a Branding template:

  1. On the Client Reporting menu, select Configuration Tool (New).

  2. Select Branding.

  3. On the Branding template where you want to edit the colors, select Edit.

  4. To choose a color where you already know the hex code, in the box next to the color you want to change, type or paste the hex code.

    To indicate transparency, enter a two-digit value after the hex code. The lower the value, the more transparent the item. 00% is clear and 99% is almost completely solid. To indicate no transparency, leave off the two values. A hex code by itself defaults to 100% solid.

    You can enter values in the following formats:

    When done, press Enter or click outside the box.

  5. To keep working on the template later, select Save as draft. Firm users can see and edit draft templates, but can't assign them to clients. To make the template available to assign to clients, select Publish.

Customize Branding Template Colors With the Color Picker

To change the colors of a Branding template:

  1. On the Client Reporting menu, select Configuration Tool (New).

  2. Select Branding.

  3. On the Branding template where you want to edit the colors, select Edit.

  4. Set the color with the color picker, select the color you want to change.

  5. In the color picker, use the color slider to set the general color.

  6. Click in the color field to set the exact color you want.

  7. Use the transparency slider to set how opaque the item should be. The percentage in the hex color box updates to show your selection.

  8. Select Done.

  9. To keep working on the template later, select Save as draft. Firm users can see and edit draft templates, but can't assign them to clients. To make the template available to assign to clients, select Publish.