
Branding Template Onboarding Guide



Before You Start


Utility Colors

Primary Brand


Positive Change




Negative Change


Text Colors

Body Text

Subtle/Hint Text

Disabled Text

Link Text

Background/Divider Colors

Primary Background

Secondary Background 1

Secondary Background 2


Information Design Colors

Colors Not Controlled in Branding



You can configure the Envestnet client portal as much or as little as your enterprise or firm needs. If desired, you can fully customize the color themes to ensure that clients see a portal that aligns with your brand.

In this topic, you'll find details on what each Branding theme color controls. It gives examples of how the different branding colors you set up map to what clients actually see. You'll see both light mode and dark mode examples.

Note that these are examples of where colors appear in the portal. It is not a comprehensive list.

Before You Start

Be prepared to share the following inputs with your Envestnet contact:


By default, client portal templates show a generic logo.

To match client portal branding with an enterprise or firm, you can upload a logo for light mode and a separate logo for dark mode, if desired. The logo you upload appears on the client portal:

Utility Colors

Utility colors highlight components of the client portal that have a specific purpose, such as indicating the performance for a date period has gone up or down.

You control the following utility colors in the client portal.

Primary Brand

Primary brand controls the color of:


Affirmation controls the color of positive or confirmatory message indicators.

Positive Change

Positive change controls the color of positive indicators, such as the up arrow on the Account Performance widget.


Error/warning controls the color of notifications and alerts when an issue occurs or when the client may make a permanent change. For example, it controls the color of:


Highlight controls the color of a table row when clients hover their mouse over an item, such as when choosing an item from a menu.

Clients will also see highlight colors on interactive elements on Reports pages. For example, on the Asset Allocation report page, if a client hovers the mouse over the chart, the corresponding row is highlighted.

Finally, highlight colors show up as the background for some alerts and on Reports pages in the settings configuration bar.


Information controls the color of the ⓘ icon wherever it appears throughout the client portal, such as on the Spending page next to All Accounts View.

Negative Change

Negative change controls the color of negative indicators, such as the down arrow on the Account Performance widget.


Caution controls the color of indicators where the client may need to take action, such as an Actions required status on the Accounts page.

Text Colors

Text colors control all the color of text that appears throughout the client portal, including the left navigation menu text colors, color of links, and the color of body text that appears on all the pages.

You can control the following text colors in the client portal.

Body Text

Body text controls the color of all the text clients see throughout the portal, including on tables, labels, titles, and more.

The following are a few examples of body text color in the client portal.

Subtle/Hint Text

Subtle/hint text controls the color of text in places where text appears but is of slightly lower importance.

For example, it appears in the following locations:

Disabled Text

Disabled text controls the color of text when there is no action that can be performed by clicking on that text.

Link Text

Link text controls the color of hyperlinks, such as the ticker symbol on the Holdings page.

Background/Divider Colors

Background/divider colors control the overall background and all the accent background colors, including the color of alternating rows and highlighted rows.

You can control the following background/divider colors control in the client portal.

Primary Background

Primary background controls the base background color the client portal.

For example, you see this color:

Secondary Background 1

Secondary background 1 controls the color behind some of the summary sections and tiles. For example, this color shades the totals row on the Realized Gains/Losses report.

Secondary Background 2

Secondary background 2 controls the color behind expanded table rows on tables that can expand or collapse sections, such as on the Realized Gains/Losses report when you expand Short Term or Long Term.


Divider controls the color of divider lines such as on Reporting pages between the Report list and the Show data for list, around some list selection boxes, and between some rows on reports.

Information Design Colors

Information design colors control the colors of some of the icons and other design elements in the client portal. We recommend leaving these colors as the defaults, since the were designed to work well together.

For example, you'll see information design colors used in:

Colors Not Controlled in Branding

The following colors are not controlled through the client portal branding color schemes: