
Organize Pages in the Left Navigation Menu



Before You Start

Arrange Pages in the Left Navigation Menu

Change the Order of Pages

Change the Order of Sections



In addition to setting up the pages, you control the order pages appear in the left navigation menu, helping guide the client’s path through the portal experience.

This topic provides steps for how to use the client portal configuration tool to add, arrange, and remove pages on the client portal left navigation menu.

Before You Start

Add pages to the Reports template. For more information, see Add and Remove Pages from a Reports Template.

Arrange Pages in the Left Navigation Menu

Clients will see the pages in the order they are listed in the Your left navigation menu section. You can rearrange sections and pages to organize the left navigation menu as desired.

You control:

Change the Order of Pages

To rearrange the pages, select next to the page name and drag and drop it into the desired order.

Change the Order of Sections

To rearrange the sections, select next to the section name and drag and drop it into the desired order. The Home page is always fixed to the top.