
April 2022 - What's New in Tamarac Reporting



See Annualized Returns on the Position Performance Report

Find Data For Improved to Better Display Sleeve Accounts

Add All Items to Account Display Configuration

Compliance Reporting

New Household Members Bulk Report Settings for Compliance Reporting

Platform Improvements & Performance Enhancements

Learn More - Watch the Release Video



See Annualized Returns on the Position Performance Report

In previous releases, we added features to the Position Performance report to expand the ways you can analyze the positions and categories within your clients' portfolios. In keeping with this effort, we're adding an Annualize returns option to the report in this release.

This setting allows you to annualize contribution and return data for deeper attribution analysis over extended periods of time. With this option, you can better examine positions across multiple years and analyze long-term performance.

You can use Annualize returns on both the dynamic and PDF versions of the Position Performance report.

Find Data For Improved to Better Display Sleeve Accounts

For those of you who use the sleeve reporting feature, and as we roll out more features to integrate managed accounts into Tamarac, we wanted to give you tools to help you better differentiate sleeve accounts from other accounts and more closely align how sleeve accounts actually function. That's why we updated the Find Data For search tool in your reports with these features: 

Add All Items to Account Display Configuration

We heard your feedback that you wanted additional options on how accounts display throughout Tamarac. With this release, we updated the Account Display Configuration options found in System Settings.

Account Display Configuration allows you to select the attributes you want to see for each account and arrange them in any order. You then see this configuration throughout Tamarac, such as on the Find Data For list or on the account settings pane. Previously, you could only include up to three attributes to be shown for each account. We heard that some of you wanted additional details to help differentiate accounts, so we updated Account Display Configuration to allow you to select any number of the available options and place them in any order. This gives you an additional way to customize how your accounts appear and can help you differentiate between accounts that otherwise may look similar.

Compliance Reporting

New Household Members Bulk Report Settings for Compliance Reporting

With new compliance reporting features, we understand that you might want additional tools to help you quickly audit the information needed for compliance reporting, such as examining the membership of Households. That's why we're introducing new settings the Household Members bulk report that allow you to do that.

With these settings, you can choose which members you want to see in this bulk report. The Compliance ADV Report is based on individual accounts within a Household, but both groups and individual accounts can be members of Households. That's why you can customize this bulk report to only see the members you want to see: 

Platform Improvements & Performance Enhancements

Part of our ongoing effort to improve the speed and reliability of the Tamarac Platform includes a number of enhancements under the hood. This table highlights improvement made since our last release: 

improvement made type of improvement
We upgraded the framework and processing on servers that provide the data service for Tamarac Reporting. With this update, we calculated improved performance for data calculations by 15% to 20% on average. This update speeds up data processing for Tamarac Reporting users and lets you see data calculations faster. Code/Database
We're continuing to develop and implement sync optimization by changing how data during the export stage of the sync process is distributed. For very large firms, this export portion of the sync process can take half of the time needed to complete a sync. Early indications from one firm indicate an approximate 58% time reduction. This optimization of the sync process will be rolled out to very large firms in coming months and will shorten overall sync time. Code/Database
We implemented an improvement to PortfolioCenter processing to potentially reduce the time needed to process. Our internal teams have reported some cases of drastic improvement, from 5 hours of processing time down to 20 minutes for very large firms with large data processing needs. This improvement allows firms to access their data earlier. PortfolioCenter
For those firms who use our integration with Yodlee, we improved the reliability and speed of pricing data and improved real-time pricing, giving you access to the most up-to-date pricing. Yodlee Integration
For clients who use ByAllAccounts to aggregate client data, we added a tool that retrieves ByAllAccounts data using an API. With this change, very large firms can experience as much as a 30-minute reduction in processing time as a result, allowing you to potentially access your data earlier in the morning. ByAllAccounts Integration

Learn More - Watch the Release Video