
Recommended Custom Fields Settings



Financial Account Recommended Settings

Account Contact Relationship Recommended Settings



The below tables describe the default mapping for Salesforce Financial Service Cloud when using the Tamarac app. The recommended field types should be used in order to best display the values from Tamarac Reporting.


If you use Salesforce Financial Services Cloud and you started using this integration after March, 2021, these mappings do not apply to your integration. For information about which Tamarac financial account fields you see in Salesforce, see View Financial Accounts in Salesforce Financial Services Cloud.

Financial Account Recommended Settings

Field Name Description Default Mapped Salesforce Field Salesforce Field Type Field Size
Account Name Account number from the custodian. Financial Account Name Text 80
Account Number Name of the account at the custodian. Account Number Text 80
Account Type Type assigned to the account. Type Picklist 255
CRM ID ID of the record in Salesforce Record ID Id 18
Closed Date Date the account was closed. If the field is blank, the account is open. Date Closed Date  
Closing Value Value of the account as of the last market close on the date the account is marked closed. <Not Mapped> Currency Length: 16 Decimal Places: 2
Contribution Rate (%) Calculated value of Net Contribution/beginning value for the account. <Not Mapped> Percent Length: 16 Decimal Places: 2
Contributions Aggregated value of contributions to the account including deposit and receipt of securities transactions. <Not Mapped> Currency Length: 16 Decimal Places: 2
Custodian Custodian for the account Service Provider Text 32
Discretionary Indicates if the advisor has discretion over the account. Discretionary Boolean  
Household CRM ID The ID of the Household the financial account is associated to. Household Reference 18
Last Tamarac Update Date the Financial Account was last updated by Tamarac Reporting. <Not Mapped> Date Time  

Last Trade Date

The most recent date a buy or sell occurred in the account. <Not Mapped> Date  
Managed Value Aggregated value of all securities marked as included in performance in Tamarac Reporting. <Not Mapped> Currency Length: 16 Decimal Places: 2
Management Fees Aggregated value of all expense transactions with a type of management fee. <Not Mapped> Currency Length: 16 Decimal Places: 2
Net Contribution Calculated value of Contributions – Withdrawals <Not Mapped> Currency Length: 16 Decimal Places: 2
Primary Owner Primary owner on the financial account Primary Owner Reference  
Rebalancing Model Name Indicates the model assigned to the account in Tamarac Trading. Model Portfolio Text 64
Return Period 1 Label The name of the first return period included on the Accounts page. <Not Mapped> Text 128
Return Period 1 Value Net TWR for the aggregate date selected. <Not Mapped> Percent Length: 16 Decimal Places: 2
Tamarac ID Track the ID of the record from Tamarac. <Not Mapped> Text (External ID) 32
Tax Deferred Status Indicates if the account is Taxable. This will display as Yes or No. <Not Mapped> Boolean  

Total Cash

Aggregated value of all securities marked as Cash and Money Funds. Cash Balance Currency Length: 16 Decimal Places: 2
Total Cash Reserves Value of cash reserves for the account from Tamarac Trading. <Not Mapped> Currency Length: 16 Decimal Places: 2
Total Value Total value of all securities (managed and unmanaged). Balance Currency  
Total Value 12/31 Total value of all securities (managed and unmanaged). <Not Mapped> Currency Length: 16 Decimal Places: 2
Unmanaged Value Aggregated value of all securities marked as exclude from performance. <Not Mapped> Currency Length: 16 Decimal Places: 2

Updated by Tamarac Integration

Tracks when an update to the financial account in Salesforce is made through integration with Tamarac. Updated by Tamarac Integration Boolean  
Withdrawals Aggregated value of withdrawals from the account including withdrawal and transfer of security transactions. <Not Mapped> Currency Length: 16 Decimal Places: 2
YTD Withdrawals Aggregated value of withdrawal and transfer of securities transactions for the account. <Not Mapped> Currency Length: 16 Decimal Places: 2

Account Contact Relationship Recommended Settings

Field Name Description Default Mapped Salesforce Field Salesforce Field Type Field Size
Tamarac ID Track the ID of the record from Tamarac. Tamarac ID Text (External ID) 65