
View Financial Accounts in Salesforce Financial Services Cloud



Tamarac Data Fields You'll See in Salesforce Financial Accounts

Before You Start

Behavior When You Open in Tamarac

View Tamarac Data in a Salesforce Financial Account Record

View Household Rollup Values from Tamarac Reporting in Salesforce



If you use Salesforce Financial Services Cloud and you started using this integration after March, 2021, this integration feature allows you to see financial account data from Tamarac Reporting in the Salesforce Financial Account.

When you want to drill down into financial details, you can quickly jump from Salesforce to your Tamarac Reporting Dashboard, which automatically displays the corresponding Tamarac Reporting financial account.

Tamarac Data Fields You'll See in Salesforce Financial Accounts

The following are the Tamarac data fields you'll see on Salesforce Financial Account records:

Field Name Description
Account Name Account number from the custodian.
Account Number Name of the account at the custodian.
Account Type Type assigned to the account.
Closed Date Date the account was closed. If the field is blank, the account is open.
Closing Value Value of the account as of the last market close on the date the account is marked closed.
Contribution Rate (%) Calculated value of Net Contribution/beginning value for the account.
Contributions Aggregated value of contributions to the account including deposit and receipt of securities transactions.
Custodian Custodian for the account
Discretionary Indicates if the advisor has discretion over the account.
Last Tamarac Update Date the Financial Account was last updated by Tamarac Reporting.

Last Transaction Date

The most recent date a buy or sell occurred in the account.
Managed Value Aggregated value of all securities marked as included in performance in Tamarac Reporting.
Management Fees Aggregated value of all expense transactions with a type of management fee.
Net Contribution Calculated value of Contributions – Withdrawals
Primary Owner Primary owner on the financial account
Rebalancing Model Name Indicates the model assigned to the account in Tamarac Trading.
Return Period 1 Label The name of the first return period included on the Accounts page.
Return Period 1 Value Net TWR for the aggregate date selected.
Tax Deferred Status Indicates if the account is Taxable. This will display as Yes or No.

Cash Balance

Aggregated value of all securities marked as Cash and Money Funds.
Total Cash Reserves Value of cash reserves for the account from Tamarac Trading.
Total Value Total value of all securities (managed and unmanaged).
Total Value 12/31 Total value of all securities (managed and unmanaged).
Unmanaged Value Aggregated value of all securities marked as exclude from performance.

Last Tamarac Update

Tracks when an update to the financial account in Salesforce is made through integration with Tamarac.
Withdrawals Aggregated value of withdrawals from the account including withdrawal and transfer of security transactions.
YTD Withdrawals Aggregated value of withdrawal and transfer of securities transactions for the account.

Before You Start

Before you see Tamarac data in Salesforce financial accounts, the complete the following configuration:

  1. Link the Tamarac Household to the Account (Household) Salesforce record. The Household must be marked as Primary.

  2. In Tamarac, add the client to the Household.

  3. In the Household, set Client Status to Primary for the client.

  4. Link the Tamarac client to the Account (Individual) Salesforce record.

Behavior When You Open in Tamarac

When opening a financial account in Tamarac Reporting using Open in Tamarac, Tamarac Reporting automatically opens to your Dashboard and uses contextual linking to display the most relevant data:

View Tamarac Data in a Salesforce Financial Account Record

To view Tamarac Reporting financial account information in Salesforce:

  1. Click the Financial Accounts tab. Click All to view all accounts. You will see the Tamarac Reporting data.

    You can see an overview of the Financial Accounts here, including account name, number, managed value, contributions and withdrawals, and more.

  2. Click the name of the Financial Account you want to open to view further details.

    Click Open in Tamarac from Salesforce any time to jump straight to the corresponding Tamarac Reporting record.

View Household Rollup Values from Tamarac Reporting in Salesforce

Some broad Household financial data from Tamarac Reporting is rolled up in Salesforce, providing a quick summary of an Account's financial status. For example, if you have a client on the phone and want to refresh your memory on their family's AUM, you will find their total managed value in the Salesforce Account record, along with total value (including unmanaged assets) and management fee.

These rollup values come across to linked Households upon sync with your portfolio accounting system.

To see Household Financial Account values in Salesforce:

  1. Open the desired Account record.

  2. Scroll to the location on the page where you added the Household rollup financial data. You determine this location when you configure page layout.

Click Open in Tamarac from Salesforce any time to jump straight to the corresponding Tamarac Reporting record.

Not included in the rollup: