
Set MoneyGuide User Permissions

Once you have the MoneyGuide integration enabled, your firm administrator can manage permissions for roles to allow or restrict single sign-on access, importing, and exporting. Advisors who are not given this option will still be able to see the MoneyGuide probability of success in Tamarac.

Tip: Give Every Advisor a MoneyGuide Login Every primary advisor in Tamarac who is managing Households that will be integrated with MoneyGuide should have a unique MoneyGuide login.

Set User Permissions

To set user permissions for MoneyGuide:

  1. On the Setup menu under Firm Settings, click User Management.

  2. In the Manage: list, select Roles.

  3. Click Edit next to the role you want to control permissions for.

  4. In the Pages list, under Accounts | Households, select or clear Update and View in MoneyGuidePro.

  5. Click Save.

Add Household Permissions to a Role

If the role doesn't already have access to Accounts | Households:

  1. Find Accounts | Households in the Available Pages list.

  2. Select the check box next to Accounts | Households.

  3. Click <<Add. All permissions are selected by default when you add a new page, so you may want to review the Households permissions when you add the page to a user.