
Create, Edit, or Delete Child PDF Templates



Create a Child Template

Edit a Child Template

Add a Child Template to a Parent Template

Remove a Child Template From a Parent Template



Child templates are standard PDF templates that are included in the Add a child template list. As such, they are created, edited, and deleted using the same procedure as all PDF templates.

When you create a child PDF template, it is helpful to use naming conventions to clearly delineate which PDF templates are intended to be child templates only and which PDF templates are intended to be parent templates containing child templates. For example, You might create templates called Portfolio Template - Simple and Portfolio Template - Details, naming them to differentiate each.

For more information on how to create, edit, or delete a PDF template, see Create, Edit, and Delete a PDF Template.

Create a Child Template

To create a child template:

  1. Under Client Reporting, click Templates.

  2. Create a standard new PDF report template.

  3. When you save it, clearly designate it as a child template.

  4. Use the Add a template list to add it as a child template to the desired parent PDF reports.

Edit a Child Template

Child templates cannot be edited from within the parent template.

To edit a child template:

  1. Under Client Reporting, click Templates.

  2. In the Select a template list, choose the desired child template. You must have permission to access the child template for editing.

  3. Make the changes.

  4. Click Save. All changes will propagate to parent templates containing the child template.

Add a Child Template to a Parent Template

To add a child template to a parent template:

  1. Under Client Reporting, click Templates.

  2. On the Add a template list, select the desired child template. Click Add. The template is inserted into the list of sections in the parent PDF template.

  3. Reorder child template within the list of sections using the corner to drag sections.

  4. Click Save.

Remove a Child Template From a Parent Template

To remove a client template, click X next to the child template. The child template will be removed from the parent template's sections.