
Obscure Account Numbers on PDF Reports



Obscure Account Numbers

Set Which Reports Have Obscured Account Numbers



The report theme offers you a privacy option to prevent other people from seeing account numbers when your screen is visible. All account numbers for the theme you customize will be obscured, and every report that uses that theme will be protected.

Obscure Account Numbers

To obscure account numbers for PDF reports, follow these steps:

  1. On the Client Reporting menu, click PDF Themes.

  2. Click a theme in the Select a theme list. If you haven't created a theme:

    1. Click <Create New> and type a name for the theme in the Theme name box.

    2. Click a theme for your reports in the Report theme list. The report theme dictates the colors and options used in pie charts, bar charts, and line charts.

  3. Expand the More Options section.

  4. Select Obscure account numbers.

  5. Click Save.

Set Which Reports Have Obscured Account Numbers

You can set whether account numbers are obscured for all sections of a PDF report or whether they're obscured only for selected sections.

To apply the privacy settings to the entire reports, you'll need to assign your theme in the General Settings (the theme you obscured account numbers for).

If you want one or more section to continue to show account numbers, you can assign a different theme in that report section (a theme which does not obscure account numbers). Any report section that has been assigned its own theme will use that theme rather than the general theme.