
Set User Display Options and Clear Security Answers



Assign a Logo

Assign a Site Theme

Clear Security Answers for a User



Administrators can set custom logos for anyone who has access to Tamarac Reporting. Managers can also set a site theme to change the coloring and look of the site, as well as clear a user's security answers if your firm is using dual factor authentication and that user has forgotten his or her answers.

Assign a Logo

To assign a logo for a user, follow these steps:

  1. On the Setup menu, click User Management.

  2. In the Manage list, click Users.

  3. Click Edit next to the user you want to assign a logo for.

  4. On the left, select the General tab. In the Available Settings tab, select an option in the Logo list.

    This sets the logo that displays in Tamarac Reporting. The logo will be visible after the user logs out and signs back in.

  5. Click Update.

  6. Click Save.

Assign a Site Theme

To assign a site theme for a user, follow these steps:

  1. On the Setup menu, click User Management.

  2. In the Manage list, click Users.

  3. Click Edit for the user you want to assign a theme for.

  4. On the left, select the General tab. In the Available Settings tab, select an option in the Site theme list.

  5. Click Update.

  6. Click Save.

Clear Security Answers for a User

If a user from your firm forgets the answer to one of their security questions or repeatedly enters the wrong code and gets locked out, you can clear the answers. That user can then log in and set up new questions and answers.

To clear a user's security answers, follow these steps:

  1. On the Setup menu, click User Management.

  2. In the Manage list, select Users.

  3. Click Edit for the user whose answers you need to clear.

  4. Select the General tab.

  5. Select Reset dual factor authentication settings.

    You must have dual factor authentication enabled to see this option.

  6. Click Update.

  7. Click Save.