
Create, Edit, and Delete Saved Searches



Benefits of Saved Searches

Create a Saved Search

Create a New Saved Search

Create a Saved Search Through Upload

Create a Temporary Saved Search

Edit or Delete a Saved Search

Copy a Saved Search

Share a Saved Search

Delete a Saved Search

Edit a Saved Search

Add or Remove Saved Searches on Your Dashboard

See Saved Searches in Action

Example of Why You'd Create a Simple Search

Examples of Match All/Any of the Following Behavior



To help you locate and monitor accounts, Tamarac Trading allows you to create saved searches. The Saved Searches page, available on the Reports tab, allows you to create, edit, and delete saved searches. These saved searches allow you to add additional filters to find accounts that meet certain criteria.

Benefits of Saved Searches

Creating saved searches can be beneficial in several ways: 

Create a Saved Search

The Saved Search page allows you to create saved searches, as well as apply temporary and shared options to your searches. Below are several ways to create saved searches.

Create a New Saved Search

To create a new saved search, follow these steps: 

  1. On the Reports menu, click Saved Searches.

  2. Type a unique name for your saved search in the Search name box.

  3. In the Search type list, choose the type of entity you want to return in your search, such as Account or Security. Account is the default. This determines what filters are available to add to the saved search. To see a list and more information about available filters, see Search Filters.

  4. Click Add Filter.

  5. Select the search filter you want to use from the available list. To see a list and more information about available filters, see Search Filters.

    Depending on the filter you choose, additional options may appear to narrow your search. Fill these fields out as needed.

  6. Choose additional search filter parameters in Search category list, if needed. This list allows you to narrow the entities—for example, accounts or securities—searched for that particular filter. If you want to see results for all categories, choose All.

  7. Add additional filters or filter sets as needed.

  8. Use the Match all/any of the following lists to specify whether the search results for the search or filter set should match any or all of your criteria.

    For an example of how to use this setting, see Examples of Match All/Any of the Following Behavior.

  9. Click Save.

Create a Saved Search Through Upload

An uploaded saved search is useful for creating groups of accounts that don't share obvious common criteria. You can upload your custom search into Tamarac Trading using your own custom list of accounts and then access that search within various saved search lists in Tamarac Trading.

To create an uploaded search, follow these steps:

  1. Create the list of accounts for your search using the Account Number column heading in your spreadsheet program.

  2. On the Setup menu, click Upload.

  3. Choose Uploaded Search in the Add an upload data set list and click Add.

  4. In the Data source list, choose Copy & Paste.

  5. Add an optional Description, if needed. This description can help you differentiate uploads made on the same day or using the same upload data set.

  6. Copy the data from your spreadsheet and paste it into the Copy & Paste box.

  7. Click Upload.

  8. Click the Upload Status link or navigate to the Upload Status page by choosing Upload Status on the Setup menu.

  9. Confirm the uploaded was added.

Create a Temporary Saved Search

Saving every saved search can create a long and cluttered list of saved searches, especially when many of these saved searches are only needed temporarily. For this reason, you can create temporary saved searches that are only good for today. With this option enabled, Tamarac Trading will automatically delete the saved search at the end of the day.

To create a temporary saved search, follow these steps:

  1. On the Reports menu, click Saved Searches.

  2. Create the saved search. For more information on creating a new saved search, see Create a Saved Search.

  3. Select the Save for today only check box.

  4. Click Save.

Edit or Delete a Saved Search

After creating a saved search, you have the option to change or delete it at any time. The following are ways to make changes to your saved searches or delete them.

Copy a Saved Search

You can copy a saved search and save it as a new saved search. This is a good way to modify existing saved searches without having to take the time to re-create the saved search, especially for more complicated saved searches.

To copy a saved search and save it as new, follow these steps: 

  1. On the Reports menu, click Saved Searches.

  2. Select the saved search you want to copy as a new saved search in the Select a Saved Search list.

  3. Type a new, unique saved search name in the Search name box.

  4. Add or change the search criteria as needed. For more information on search criteria, see Create a Saved Search.

  5. Click Save As New.

Share a Saved Search

By default, all saved searches you create are private and only visible to you. However, if you create a saved search that will be particularly useful to your colleagues, you can share it with others in your firm.

When you share a saved search, colleagues in your firm will see that saved search in their lists of saved searches on various pages in Tamarac Trading. They will not be able to make changes to the search, nor will they be able to delete it.

To share a saved search, follow these steps: 

  1. On the Reports menu, click Saved Searches.

  2. Select the saved search you want to copy in the Select a Saved Search list.

  3. Select the Share saved search check box.

  4. Click Save.

The shared saved search will now appear in Saved Search lists.

Delete a Saved Search

To delete an existing saved search, follow these steps:

  1. On the Reports menu, click Saved Searches.

  2. Select the saved search you want to delete in the Select a Saved Search list.

    You cannot delete a saved search that a colleague has shared with you.

  3. Click Delete.

Edit a Saved Search

To make changes to an existing saved search, follow these steps:

  1. On the Reports menu, click Saved Searches.

  2. Select the saved search you want to change in the Select a Saved Search list.

  3. Make necessary changes to the saved search.

    For more information on available saved search options, see Create a Saved Search. For more information on available search filters, see Search Filters.

  4. Click Save. If you're editing a saved search that a colleague has shared with you, type a unique name in the Search Name box and then click Save As New.

Add or Remove Saved Searches on Your Dashboard

You can add your saved searches to the dashboard. This feature makes it easy to find at-a-glance information that is relevant to your firm.

You can customize the Saved Searches dashboard widget in the following ways: 

For more information on how to customize the Saved Search widget on your dashboard, see Saved Searches Dashboard Widget.

See Saved Searches in Action

Example of Why You'd Create a Simple Search

While reviewing accounts, a compliance officer would like to have a complete list of all tax-deferred accounts closed in 2016. To do this, the officer can create a saved search to find any accounts that meet this criteria.

She adds a filter to find accounts where the Closed Date is within the first and last day of 2016, as well as the Tax Status filter to find tax deferred accounts. Then, by using All in the Match list, the saved search will only return results that match both filters.

Any time she uses this saved search in the future, it will apply the search to current data, allowing her to see the most updated list of accounts that meet her search criteria.

Examples of Match All/Any of the Following Behavior

You want to search for all accounts that are assigned to your Balanced 50/50 model and have a return greater than 6 percent. To do this, add a search filter to search for accounts containing that particular model. Next, add another filter to search for returns greater than 6 percent. Choose All to search for accounts that meet all search filter criteria.

Conversely, you want to search for accounts that are assigned to your Real Estate Funds model or accounts that are assigned to your Foreign Income Funds model. To do this, add a search filter to search for accounts containing Real Estate Funds. Next, add another filter to search for accounts containing Foreign Income Funds. Choose Any to search for accounts that contain either one model, the other model, or both models.