
Change or Remove Accounts from a Directed Trade



Remove Accounts from a Directed Trade

Change or Review Accounts Added to a Directed Trade



Directed trades allow you to focus on individual securities while giving you the option of trading across a group of accounts outside the constraints of a rebalance.

This page provides steps for how to change or remove accounts from a directed trade once you've created the trade and added accounts to it.

For more information about directed trades, see Directed Trades Page Actions, Views, and Filters and Directed Trades Process.

Remove Accounts from a Directed Trade

To remove an account from being applied to a directed trade, follow these steps:

  1. On the Rebalance & Trade menu, choose Directed Trades.

  2. Select the check box next to the directed trade where you want to remove accounts.

  3. From the Actions list, choose one of the following actions: 

Change or Review Accounts Added to a Directed Trade

To change accounts and see which accounts have already been added:

  1. On the Rebalance & Trade menu, choose Directed Trades.

  2. Select the check box next to the directed trade where you want to change or review accounts.

  3. Click the blue link in the Accounts column that indicates the number of accounts added to the trade.

  4. This opens the Select Accounts dialog. Accounts with the check box selected are already applied to the directed trade.

  5. Make your changes and click Save & Apply or Cancel.