
Learn More About Rebalances and Trades

Trading Workflow

See an overall picture of how the trading workflow in Tamarac Trading works and get links to specific topics at each stage of the trading process, including the rebalance process as well as available manual trades like directed trades and quick trades.

Start the Rebalance Process

Read a high-level summary of the various rebalance types and find out how to start a rebalance from various pages within Tamarac Trading.

Learn More About Rebalance Types

See a list of available rebalance types to see specific, detailed information about each type.

Learn More About Reviewing Rebalances and Trades

After completing a rebalance, the next step in your trading workflow is reviewing the suggested trades; learn about reports available in Tamarac Trading to review your trades.

Learn More About Approvals, Orders, and Reconciliation

Once you've reviewed trades in your accounts, the next step is to approve those trades and generate orders. The day after you generate trades in clients' accounts, you can then reconcile those orders with clients' current holdings. Find out more information about each of these steps in the process.

Learn More About Directed Trades

Directed trades allow you to focus trades on individual securities in amounts you specify, and then apply those trades to accounts outside of the rebalance process. Learn more about how to create directed trades, as well as available settings for directed trades.

Manual Trades

Tamarac Trading also has tools available that help you trade outside of the normal rebalancing process. Here, you'll find information on manual trading: directed trades, quick trades, and custom strategies.

Learn More about Tax Management

Learn more about how you can use Tamarac Trading for tax management and tax loss harvesting in your clients' portfolios.

Learn More About Notes

Notes allow you to add documentation to your accounts. Learn more about the different kinds of notes in Tamarac Trading, as well as how to add those notes to your accounts and review notes.