
Trading Workflow



Rebalance Workflow

Choose Rebalance or Trade Type

Start Rebalance or Manual Trades

Review and Approve Trades

Create and Log Orders

Reconcile Trades

Other Important Topics

Tax Management and Tax Loss Harvesting


FIX Flyer Integration



The following is a breakdown of a typical rebalance workflow, as well as a listing of topics you can use to find out more information about each step in the process.

Rebalance Workflow

The following is a typical rebalance workflow, beginning with preparation and decision-making regarding what kind of rebalance to perform on an account and ending with verifying orders placed for accuracy or auditing purposes.

Choose Rebalance or Trade Type

First, determine which rebalance is most appropriate for the client and situation. The following topics describe the logic and uses of each rebalance type: 

The following topics discuss other ways to trade outside of rebalancing accounts: 

Start Rebalance or Manual Trades

After you've determined your rebalance type, you can start the rebalance process. If a manual trade is more appropriate—that is, a trade created outside of rebalance logic—you will also perform those trades at the same point in the process.

The following topics outline the rebalance and manual trading process:

Explore more information about directed trades: 

Review and Approve Trades

Once you've created trades in a rebalance, or using manual trades, you'll want to review those trades before approving them. If for some reason a trade can't be completed today, you can also place trades on hold. Once you've reviewed the trades and verified their accuracy, you can then approve them.

You can review trades in the following places within Tamarac Trading: 

The following topics discuss approving trades or placing trades on hold for a later time: 

Create and Log Orders

Once trades are approved, they're sent to the Trade List where you can log those orders for verification on the Orders page. You can also create trade files on the Trade List to send to the brokers completing the trades. You can update account holdings on the Orders page for further same-day trading.

The following topics provide details on the orders process: 

Reconcile Trades

The next day, after completing and verifying your orders, you can begin the reconciliation process. Reconciliation allows you to verify the orders you have and make sure they align with the client's information at the custodian.

The following topic provides information on reconciliation: 

Other Important Topics

While not part of the rebalance workflow, these topics are important. The following resources are available for more information:

Tax Management and Tax Loss Harvesting


Adding notes to your trades and accounts is a great way to document reasons for trades, trading notes, account-related information, and more. The following topics discuss how to use notes in Tamarac Trading:

FIX Flyer Integration

For those Tamarac Trading users who have enabled the FIX Flyer integration, the following topics provide a summary of how to complete trades using FIX Flyer: