
Tax Loss Harvesting and Tax Management Strategies



Tax Management Benefits

Investor Benefits

Advisor Benefits

Best Practices for the Advisor

Available Settings and Settings Logic

Rebalancing System Settings

Account Settings

Determine Your Tax Loss Harvesting Thresholds

Restore Accounts Back to Their Models

Track and Use Excess Cash

Immediately Reinvest



For many advisors, tax loss harvesting is the single most important tool they have in their arsenal for reducing taxes on behalf of their clients. There are numerous studies that indicate that, next to inflation, taxes remain the biggest drain on a portfolio as taxes can reduce returns by up to one percent per year.

Tamarac Trading offers options for tax loss harvesting and tax management which are outlined below. For more information on the specific actions you can take within Tamarac Trading for tax loss harvesting and tax management, see Using Tamarac Trading for Tax Loss Harvesting and Using the Annual Capital Gains Tax Budget.

Tax Management Benefits

Tax loss harvesting can reduce an investor's taxes. Although tax loss harvesting can't restore losses, it presents opportunities to increase the return in a client's account. As with any advice about taxes, please consult a tax professional for specific advice on tax management.

Investor Benefits

Tax-managed investing provides the following benefits to the investor: 

Advisor Benefits

Tax-managed investing provides additional benefits to the advisor as well:

Best Practices for the Advisor

Available Settings and Settings Logic

The following is a summary of the settings available within Tamarac Trading that affect tax management. You can adjust these settings to fit your needs and specific strategies.

Rebalancing System Settings

On the Rebalancing System Settings page, you can choose one of these Tax Loss Rebalance Settings which will then apply to all accounts:

For example, a client's tax loss harvesting thresholds are 15% and $5,000. The client has a security with 10 lots. Seven of those lots have gains and three have losses, and the average loss and net loss surpass the account thresholds:


Account Settings

When changing the account-level settings for existing accounts or opening new accounts, you can change the following settings for tax optimization:

Setting What it Does
Sell Based on Tax Optimization

Sell securities in the most tax efficient way possible. When you select Yes, Tamarac Trading will rebalance to your investment targets at the lowest possible tax cost to the client.

Closing Method

Closing methods allow clients to receive tax benefits at the lot level and the closing method you choose allows you specify how you'd like lots sold in that account. This setting is also used to calculate realized gains and losses when rebalancing an account.

Asset Location Preferences

Specify where assets will be placed in a group during the rebalance process. This is a useful tool because it can mean more tax-advantaged placement of assets and potentially higher returns because of reduced tax burden.

Tax Loss Harvesting Settings

Use the Sell all securities with a percentage loss greater than field to set a percentage of loss value compared to the total position value.

Use the A dollar loss greater than field to set a specific dollar amount of loss.

Securities will be recommended for sale in a tax loss harvesting rebalance if they meet these two thresholds.

Annual Capital Gains Tax Budget

Set the desired maximum annual capital gains tax amount for an account or group. This setting is used in the annual capital gains tax budget tool in combination with realized gains/losses fields and capital gains tax rates.

Realized Gains and Losses fields

The realized gains/losses on the Tax Management panel are synced with the information that appears in Tamarac Reporting. If you don't use Tamarac Reporting, these fields can still be uploaded using the Account Information upload.

These fields are used in the annual capital gains tax budget.

ST Capital Gains Tax Rate

Set the account's short-term capital gains tax rate. This field is used in the annual capital gains tax budget.

LT Capital Gains Tax Rate Set the account's long-term capital gains tax rate. This field is used in the annual capital gains tax budget.

Determine Your Tax Loss Harvesting Thresholds

On an account-by-account basis, you can define the minimum size of loss you are willing to realize before tax loss harvesting. Many firms choose to only define a loss threshold in dollars and leave the percentage at zero.

Loss threshold is generally arrived at based on the round trip cost, the minimum tax savings, and the client's tax rate. You can use this calculation as a general rule of thumb to start with:

Use the percentage loss field in Tax Loss Harvesting settings to avoid realizing a small loss and selling a very large sized position. For example, a client's account may have a $2,000 loss in a security, but may get a recommendation to sell a large position of 15,000 shares just to realize this relatively small loss.

Restore Accounts Back to Their Models

After harvesting losses in accounts, you may find those accounts need to be rebalanced to be brought back to their model allocations. In some cases, you may have excess cash in the account. Depending on your strategies, you can use these tactics in Tamarac Trading to reinvest excess cash and restore accounts back to their models.

Track and Use Excess Cash

After harvesting losses, you can reinvest cash back into your clients' models using a saved search or create a custom field to track accounts with tax loss harvesting activity that also have excess cash:

You can track excess cash by putting the cash into reserve. This prevents the cash from being reinvested during the rebalance process. After 31 days, you can then remove the cash from reserve and reinvest into the same security.

Immediately Reinvest

If you want to ensure that cash is immediately reinvested into the account, you have these options: