
Asset Location and Model Priorities - Introduction and Navigation



Things You Can Do on the Asset Location Page



Setting account and model priorities on the Asset Location pages allows you to specify priorities within groups during a rebalance. Allocation goals in the account are first determined by asset location preference, and setting account priorities is a powerful way to ensure that, over time, assets are placed in the accounts where they're desired.

An efficient asset location strategy can provide increased returns for an investor by reducing tax liability. However, a common problem advisors face with this approach is how to efficiently implement this strategy over a large number of accounts.

The Asset Location pages allow you to set buy and sell priorities for your groups. On the Account Priorities page, you can set up your asset location preference labels—for example, taxable, nontaxable, trust, etc.—and then specify their priority order within groups during trading. On the Default Model Priorities and Specific Model Priorities pages, you can do the same thing with the models in your accounts.

This page will introduce you to the Asset Location Page, as well as direct you to important processes and information you'll need to know when using this page.

Things You Can Do on the Asset Location Page

The Asset Location page is a powerful tool allowing you to set priorities during the rebalancing process and can be used in conjunction with other strategies to optimize trading. The following is a list of functions you can complete on the Asset Location page: