
Annual Capital Gains Tax Budget

Use this account setting to set a maximum allowable amount of annual capital gains tax for the account or group. This setting uses the ST Capital Gains Tax Rate and LT Capital Gains Tax Rate fields to estimate the year to date taxes incurred by the annual short-term and long-term gains and by the proposed rebalance. Configuring this setting to create an annual capital gains tax budget will not prevent a rebalance if the budget is exceeded; it just provides a way to track the budget and see warnings to help you make tax-aware investing decisions.

For groups, find this setting on the Rebalancing tab. For accounts, find this setting on the Rebalancing tab under Tax Management.

You can choose:

Note that the capital gains tax budget does not affect the current Maximum Gain Amount setting, which will still limit the amount of gains a rebalance can recommend.

Rebalance Summary

On the Rebalance Summary, you can view the value entered in this setting to initial and post-rebalance capital gains tax values in a chart. You'll be able to see this for rebalanced taxable accounts and groups that contain at least one taxable account.


Administrators see this setting by default. To allow other users to see this setting, add the Accounts | Edit annual capital gains tax budget settings permission to the role.

Edit in Bulk

To configure these settings for multiple accounts at once, use an Account Information upload data set. In the data set, the following columns allow you to configure tax budgets in bulk:

Learn More

For more information about updating data in bulk, see Upload Bulk Data.

For more information about capital gains budgeting, see Using the Annual Capital Gains Tax Budget.