
Overview of Notes in Tamarac Trading



Why Use Notes? 

Individual Account Notes

Account Notes

Trading Notes

Order Notes

Reason for Trade Notes

Security Restriction Notes

Cash Reserve Notes

Reason for Approval Notes

Restriction Override Notes

Group Notes

View Notes in Bulk Reports

Notes in Non-Discretionary Accounts

Account Notes Dashboard View in Tamarac Reporting



Notes in Tamarac Trading allow you to add documentation to accounts that can be widely seen by other users who have permission to view those accounts. Client wishes, account changes, alerting to special circumstances, and other issues, including compliance issues, can be documented in accounts using notes.

The following icons indicate the type of notes you can find within an account:

By clicking one of these icons, you can review notes or add additional notes to that account or group. Notes can be added to individual accounts or groups, depending on the type of information you need to document.

Each account note shows the following information: 

Why Use Notes? 

There is no restriction to the type of information you can add using account notes, so notes can be helpful in documenting situations like these: 

After adding a note to an account, anyone with permission to view the account will be able to see that note, meaning that important information can be seen widely. Additionally, account notes are reportable, so you can create bulk reports to review account notes, when those notes were added, the person who added the note, and more.

For more information on the process of creating or changing notes, see Add, Edit, and Delete Notes.

Individual Account Notes

You can view historical account notes, as well as other types of notes, in many different locations in Tamarac Trading:

Account Notes

Account notes have the following characteristics: 

To view historical notes for an account, including trading notes, visit any of these locations:

Click one of these icons to view a record of notes in that account or group: 

Trading Notes

Trading notes have the following characteristics: 

You can view trading notes anywhere you can view account notes, as well in various bulk reports.

Tamarac Trading highlights the notes so that they won't be missed, regardless of who added the note. Alerts on the Rebalance page and Rebalance Summary also allow you to download the trading alerts bulk report to view active trading alerts, pending order notes, and restriction override notes in one location.

Order Notes

Order notes are notes logged with specific orders.

You can view order notes anywhere you can view account notes as well as in various bulk reports. In addition, Tamarac Trading will warn you if order or trading notes exist in an account.

Reason for Trade Notes

Reason for trade notes have the following characteristics: 

You can view any reasons for trade on the Trade Summary for the account or group. You can also access these notes in various bulk reports.

Security Restriction Notes

Security restriction notes have the following characteristics: 

You can view any security restriction notes on the Rebalance Summary or Trade Summary reports.

These restrictions will then appear along with other information, errors, and warnings you see during the trading and rebalancing process.

Cash Reserve Notes

Cash reserve notes have the following characteristics: 

You can view any cash reserve notes in the following places: 

Reason for Approval Notes

Reason for approval notes have the following characteristics: 

These notes are added before trading in non-discretionary accounts, provided your system settings require approvals for non-discretionary accounts. See Trade Approval Settings.

Restriction Override Notes

The Approval required for custom strategies that override restrictions option in Rebalancing System Settings adds restriction override features to the trading workflow.

When enabled, a trader or trade approver will be required to provide a note when approving a trade that overrides a restriction.

For more on approving trades, see Approve Trades.

Group Notes

Viewing notes for a group is very similar to viewing notes for individual accounts. When you view notes for a group, you may also see notes for individual accounts within the group, and when viewing individual accounts, you may also see notes for a group.

The following is a summary of common scenarios when viewing notes: 

Account/Group Type Results When Viewing Notes
Group You'll see notes added at the group level, as well as any account-specific notes for the accounts in that group
Account within a Group You'll see notes added at the group level, as well as any account-specific notes for the account in which you're viewing notes
Account that was removed from a Group You'll see notes added at the group level up until the account was removed from the group. You'll also see all notes added to that individual account.
Account that was added to a Group You'll see notes added at the group level, even notes that were added before you added the additional account. You'll also see all notes added to the additional account.

View Notes in Bulk Reports

The easiest way to view and audit notes across several accounts is to create a bulk report. Depending on your needs, several bulk reports will provide you with notes information, including the Account Notes bulk report, which allows you to view notes and associated details in multiple accounts.

For more information, see Learn More About Bulk Reports.

When an account contains active trading notes, pending order notes, and restriction override notes, Tamarac Trading highlights this so that these notes aren't missed. In addition, the warning contains a trading alerts bulk report link. Click this link to download a report of the trading or order notes on that page.

This bulk report is available in the following places: 

Notes in Non-Discretionary Accounts

Many users have non-discretionary accounts that require you to obtain authorization before you make any investment decisions. If you have the Approval required for non-discretionary accounts option enabled in Rebalancing System Settings, you can prevent trades in non-discretionary accounts from being sent to the Trade List without authorization.

When enabled, Tamarac Trading provides a warning when you send trades to the Trade List and requires authorization and a note before the trades can be approved.

You can then provide a note to explain the reason for the trade in this account.

Account Notes Dashboard View in Tamarac Reporting

If you also have access to Tamarac Reporting, you can use dashboard views to see an at-a-glance summary of account notes on your dashboard using the Account Notes module.

To learn more about creating and managing dashboard views in Tamarac Reporting, see Create and Share Dashboard Views.

For more information on customizing your Tamarac Reporting dashboard, visit Working With Dashboard Modules.