
Trade Type and Quantity Definitions in Directed Trades



Underlying Account vs. Rebalancing Group Value

Available Directed Trade Types

Buy Quantity Types

Sell Quantity Types

Final Position Quantity Types

Linked Trades Quantity Types

Mutual Fund Swap Quantity Types



Tamarac Trading allows you to create targeted, security-specific trades with directed trades. Below, you'll find a description and the logic behind these options to help you create the best directed trade for your needs.

The following options are available when creating a directed trade: 

For information and warnings about creating a directed trade, see Directed Trades Process. For more information on strategies you can use with directed trades, see Strategies Using Directed Trades.

Underlying Account vs. Rebalancing Group Value

When creating a directed trade, you have the option to use individual account values or group values. Select the appropriate option in the Rebalancing Group Option drop-down list:

For most directed trades, you'll be using the Use Rebalancing Group Value. However, some trades are best executed with the Use Underlying Account Value option. A few examples:

Available Directed Trade Types

The following directed trade types are available within directed trades:


Buy Quantity Types

The following are the quantity types you'll see when generating a directed trade to buy a security and what to expect when using either group or underlying account values:


Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value


Use Underlying Account Value

Buys the number of shares you specify.

Example Trade

You have an account with excess cash and create a directed trade to buy 100 shares of AAPL using the Shares directed trade.

$ Amount

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value


Use Underlying Account Value

Buys the dollar amount you specify; dollar amount will be used to calculate the number of shares.

Example Trade

You have an account with $5,000 in excess cash and create a directed trade to buy $5,000 worth of AAPL using the $ Amount directed trade.

% of Account Value

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value

Buys a specific percent of the group value.

Use Underlying Account Value

Buys a specific percent of the account value.

Example Trade

An account currently holds a 2% position in AAPL. You use % of Account Value to purchase 3% of AAPL. Tamarac Trading will purchase 3% of the account's value and the account will then have 5% of its total value in AAPL.

% of Cash

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value
  • Buys to a specific percent of cash available at the group level.

  • Does not include the value of cash generated from sells in individual accounts, but does include it in groups.

Use Underlying Account Value
  • Buys to a specific percent of cash available in the individual account.

  • Does not include the value of cash generated from sells in individual accounts.

Example Trade

A group holds $5,000 in cash above a set cash reserve. You create a % of Cash directed trade to use 50% of that cash to purchase $2,500 worth of AAPL.

To Model Goal %

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value

Buys to the goal percent of the model for the group; quantity is set automatically for each individual account.

Use Underlying Account Value

Buys to the goal percent of the account's model.

Example Trade

AAPL has a model goal of 5%. You create a directed trade using To Model Goal % to buy AAPL which is underweight. Tamarac Trading will buy AAPL to the 5% goal.

To Account Goal %

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value

Buys a security to the adjusted target that would be traded if completing a full rebalance for the group.

Use Underlying Account Value

Buys a security to the adjusted target that would be traded if completing a full rebalance for the individual account.

Example Trade

AAPL has a model goal of 5%. If you were to conduct a full rebalance, AAPL's adjusted goal would be 3% due to a legacy security in the model whose current holding is 2%. The client's account is underweight in AAPL. By creating a directed trade to buy AAPL using To Account Goal %, Tamarac Trading will purchase AAPL to the adjusted 3% goal.

To % of Account

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value
  • Buys up to a specific percent of the group using only the available cash in the group.

  • Only uses the cash that is currently available in the account and does not use cash generated by the sale of securities.

  • If multiple buy trades using To % of Account are applied to an account, the account does not divide the available cash between the trades and may create an error if there is not enough available cash in the account.

  • To % of Account is designed to only use all available cash up to the specified amount.

  • Funding sources cannot be used for this trade type.

Use Underlying Account Value
  • Buy up to a specific percent of the account using only the available cash in the account.

  • Only uses the cash that is currently available in the account and does not use cash generated by the sale of securities.

  • If multiple buy trades using To % of Account are applied to an account, the account does not divide the available cash between the trades and may create an error if there is not enough available cash in the account.

  • To % of Account is designed to only use all available cash up the specified amount.

  • Funding sources cannot be used for this trade type.

Example Trade

An account currently holds a 2% position in AAPL. You use the To % of Account directed trade to purchase 3% of AAPL. Tamarac Trading will purchase 1% of the account's value and the account will then have 3% of its total value in AAPL because there is enough cash available in the account to cover this trade.

% of Category

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value

Functions as a % of Account directed trade based on what is currently held in the selected categories within the group.

Use Underlying Account Value

Functions as a % of Account directed trade based on what is currently held in the selected categories within the account.

Example Trade

A group holds 40% in US Equities. If you perform a % of Category trade for 10% of AAPL, which is categorized as US Equities, Tamarac Trading will purchase 4% of group value (10% × 40% = 4%).

To % of Category

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value

Functions as a To % of Account directed trade based on what is currently held in the selected categories within the group.

Use Underlying Account Value

Functions as a To % of Account directed trade based on what is currently held in the selected categories within the account.

Example Trade

A group holds 40% in US Equities and also holds 2% AAPL. If you perform a To % of Category trade for 10% of AAPL, Tamarac Trading will purchase 2% of AAPL. AAPL started at 2%, so Tamarac Trading buys to 4% of the category.

Sell Quantity Types

The following are the quantity types you'll see when generating a directed trade to sell a security and what to expect when using either group or underlying account values:


Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value


Use Underlying Account Value

Sells the number of shares you specify.

Example Trade

You have a group with excess AAPL and you create a directed trade to sell 100 shares of AAPL using the Shares directed trade.

$ Amount

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value


Use Underlying Account Value

Sells the dollar amount you specify; dollar amount will be used to calculate the number of shares.

Example Trade

You have a group with excess AAPL. You create a directed trade to sell $5,000 worth of AAPL using the $ Amount directed trade.

% of Account Value

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value

Sells a specific percent of the group value.

Use Underlying Account Value

Sells a specific percent of the account value.

Example Trade

An account currently holds a 7% position in AAPL. You use the % of Account Value directed trade to sell 5% of AAPL. Tamarac Trading will sell 5% of the account's value using AAPL, leaving 2% of the account's value in AAPL.

% of Security Value

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value

Sells a specified percent of the security's value within the group.

Use Underlying Account Value

Sells a specified percent of the security's value within the individual account.

Example Trade

You have an account that currently holds $5,000 in AAPL. You generate a % of Security Value directed trade to sell 50% of the security's value, or $2,500.

To Model Goal %

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value
  • Sells to the goal percent of the group's model.

  • Quantity is set automatically for each individual account.

Use Underlying Account Value

Sells to the goal percent of the account's model.

Example Trade

AAPL has a model goal of 5% but is currently overweight. You create a directed trade using To Model Goal % to sell AAPL. Tamarac Trading will sell AAPL to the 5% goal.

To Account Goal %

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value

Sells a security to the adjusted target that would be traded if completing a full rebalance for the group.

Use Underlying Account Value

Sells a security to the adjusted target that would be traded if completing a full rebalance for the individual account.

Example Trade

AAPL is overweight in a group. AAPL currently has a model goal of 12%. If you were to run a full rebalance on an account, the adjusted target for AAPL would be 14% after considering ranks, restrictions, and available cash. By choosing To Account Goal % for the directed trade sell, Tamarac Trading will sell the security to the adjusted target of 14%.

To % of Account

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value

Sells up to a specific percent of the group's value.

Use Underlying Account Value

Sells up to a specific percent of the individual account's value.

Example Trade

An account currently holds a 5% position in AAPL. You use the To % of Account directed trade to sell 2% of the account's value in AAPL. Tamarac Trading will sell 2% of the account's value of AAPL, leaving 3% remaining.

% of Category

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value

Functions as a % of Account directed trade based on what is currently held in the selected categories within the group.

Use Underlying Account Value

Functions as a % of Account directed trade based on what is currently held in the selected categories within the account.

Example Trade

A group holds 40% in US Equities. If you perform a % of Category trade to sell 10% of AAPL, which is categorized as US Equities, Tamarac Trading will sell 4% of group value (10% × 40% = 4%).

To % of Category

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value

Functions as a To % of Account directed trade based on what is currently held in the selected categories within the group.

Use Underlying Account Value

Functions as a To % of Account directed trade based on what is currently held in the selected categories within the account.

Example Trade

A group holds 40% in US Equities and also holds 2% AAPL. If you perform a To % of Category trade to sell 10% of AAPL, Tamarac Trading will sell 2% of AAPL. AAPL started at 2%, so Tamarac Trading sells to 4% of the category.

Sell Losses

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value


Use Underlying Account Value
  • Examines all lots of a security held at a loss to see if they meet the loss threshold you entered. If the criteria are met, Tamarac Trading sells every lot held at a loss.

  • If using substitutes, this directed trade will sell losses for the parent security along with any security set as a substitute. Each substitute will be evaluated to see if it meets your conditions and, if met, the trade will be generated on the substitute.

  • This setting ignores the following account and system settings: 

    • Lot-level restrictions on redemption fees and short-term gains.

    • Tax Loss Rebalance Settings as set on the Rebalancing System Settings page.

    • Account-level tax loss harvesting thresholds as set in the account's settings.

Example Trade

An individual account holds AAPL and some lots are held at a loss and this is a good opportunity to harvest losses on AAPL. You create a Sell Losses directed trade using the criteria Sell securities with a percentage loss greater than at 3% and and a dollar loss greater than at $10,000. Tamarac Trading then examines all lots of AAPL held at a loss and calculates the total percentage loss and total dollar loss. In this case, the AAPL lots held at a loss have a loss percentage of 4% and a total dollar loss of $10,500. Tamarac Trading then sells all AAPL lots held at a loss.

Sell Gains

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value NOT AVAILABLE
Use Underlying Account Value
  • Examines all lots of a security held at a gain to see if they meet the gain threshold you entered. If the criteria are met, Tamarac Trading sells every lot held at a gain.

  • If using substitutes, this directed trade will sell gains for the parent security along with any security set as a substitute. Each substitute will be evaluated to see if it meets your conditions and, if met, the trade will be generated on the substitute.

  • This setting ignores the following account and system settings: 

    • Lot-level restrictions on redemption fees and short-term gains.

    • Tax Loss Rebalance Settings as set on the Rebalancing System Settings page.

    • Account-level tax loss harvesting thresholds as set in the account's settings.

Example Trade

An individual account holds AAPL at a gain and is an opportunity to realize gains for a single security. You create a Sell Gains directed trade using the criteria Sell securities with a percentage gain greater than at 3% and and a dollar gain greater than at $10,000. Tamarac Trading then examines all lots of AAPL held at a gain and calculates the total percentage gain and total dollar gain. In this case, the AAPL lots held at a gain have a gain percentage of 4% and a total dollar gain of $10,500. Tamarac Trading then sells all AAPL lots held at a gain.

Final Position Quantity Types

Final position trades trade to a specific goal that you specify. If the account is overweight, Tamarac Trading recommends a sell; if the account is underweight, a buy is recommended. Final Position buys use available cash and any cash generated from sells.

The following are the quantity types you'll see when generating a Final Position directed trade and what to expect when using either group or underlying account values:


Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value


Use Underlying Account Value

Buys or sells the security to reach a specified final position of shares in the account.

Example Trade

You would like 10 separate accounts to all own 100 shares of AAPL. Some of those accounts have fewer than 100 shares and some have more. You create a final position directed trade using Shares as your quantity type and apply this trade to the 10 accounts. Five accounts are overweight and will sell shares to reach 100 shares. Five accounts are underweight and will buy AAPL to reach 100 shares.

$ Amount

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value


Use Underlying Account Value

Buys or sells the security to reach a specified final dollar amount; dollar amount will be used to calculate the number of shares.

Example Trade

You would like 10 separate accounts to each have $10,000 worth of AAPL. Some of those accounts have no AAPL and some have more than $10,000 in AAPL. You create a final position directed trade using $ Amount as your quantity type and apply this trade to those 10 accounts. Five accounts are overweight and will sell shares to reach the $10,000 amount. Five accounts have no AAPL and will purchase to reach $10,000 in AAPL.

% of Account Value

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value

Buys or sells the specified percent of the group's account value.

Use Underlying Account Value

Buys or sells to the specified percent of the individual account's value.

Example Trade

You have an account in which you'd like to own 1% of the account value in AAPL. You create a final position directed trade using the % of Account Value quantity type. Because the account currently has no position in AAPL, Tamarac Trading will recommend a purchase to 1% of the account's value.

To Model Goal %

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value
  • Buys or sells to the goal percent of the group's model, the total model goal percent.

  • Quantity is set automatically for each individual account.

Use Underlying Account Value
  • Buys or sells the security to reach the goal percent of the account's model.

  • Quantity is set automatically for each individual account.

Example Trade

You have several accounts and you'd like to trade AAPL in each account to its model goal percentage of 2%. You create a final position directed trade using the To Model Goal % quantity type. Tamarac Trading will create either buys or sells for each account so that AAPL is at its model goal percent of 2% in each account.

To Account Goal %

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value

Buys or sells a security to the adjusted target for the group that would be traded if completing a full rebalance.

Use Underlying Account Value

Buys or sells a security to the adjusted target for the account that would be traded if completing a full rebalance.

Example Trade

You have an account in which AAPL has a model goal of 2%. However, if you were to complete a full rebalance on that account, due to other restrictions, the model goal would be 3%. You create a final position directed trade using the To Account Goal % quantity type. AAPL is underweight, so a buy to the 3% adjusted model goal will be recommended.

% of Category

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value

Functions as a % of Account directed trade based on what is currently held in the selected categories within the group.

Use Underlying Account Value

Functions as a % of Account directed trade based on what is currently held in the selected categories within the individual account.

Example Trade

A group holds 40% in US Equities and is underweight in AAPL. If you perform a % of Category final position trade for 10% of AAPL, which is categorized as US Equities, Tamarac Trading will purchase 4% of the group value (10% × 40% = 4%).

Linked Trades Quantity Types

The Linked Trade directed trade allows you to sell one position and purchase another at the same time. This option uses only cash generated from the sell for the corresponding buy and does not use cash available for trading.

Linked Trade directed trades are similar to mutual funds swaps in that you create a sell and a buy at the same time. However, their behavior and uses are different. Consider the following best practices when using Linked Trade: 

The following are the quantity types you'll see when generating a Linked Trade directed trade and what to expect when using either group or underlying account values:

Shares (Sells)

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value


Use Underlying Account Value

Sells the number of shares you specify.

Example Trade

You have an account and want to create a buy and a sell at the same time. You create a Linked Trade directed trade using Shares to sell 1,000 shares of AAPL while at the same time creating a buy to use 98% of those proceeds to purchase AMZN.

$ Amount (Sells)

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value


Use Underlying Account Value

Sells the dollar amount you specify; dollar amount will be used to calculate the number of shares.

Example Trade

You have an account and want to create a buy and sells at the same time. You create a Linked Trade directed trade using $ Amount to sell $5,000 of AAPL. At the same time, you create a buy to use 50% of those proceeds to purchase AMZN and 48% of those proceeds to purchase MSFT.

% of Security Value (Sells)

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value

Sells a specified percent of the security's value within the group.

Use Underlying Account Value

Sells a specified percent of the security's value within the individual account.

Example Trade

You have a group and want to create buys and a sell at the same time. You create a Linked Trade directed trade using % of Security Value to sell 50% of the group's position in AAPL and 50% of the group's holdings in MSFT. You also create a buy to use 50% of all proceeds to purchase AMZN, leaving excess cash in the account.

To Model Goal % (Sells)

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value

Sells to the goal percent of the group's model; quantity is set automatically for each individual account.

Use Underlying Account Value

Sells to the goal percent of the account's model.

Example Trade

You have a group and want to create a buy and a sell at the same time. Within the group, AAPL has a model goal of 2% but is currently overweight. You create a Linked Trade directed trade using To Model Goal % to sell AAPL to its model goal of 2%. You also create a buy to use 98% of those proceeds to purchase AMZN.

To Account Goal % (Sells)

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value

Sells a security to the adjusted target that would be traded if completing a full rebalance for the group.

Use Underlying Account Value

Sells a security to the adjusted target that would be traded if completing a full rebalance for the individual account.

Example Trade

You have a group and want to create a buy and sell at the same time. Within the group, AAPL has a model goal of 2% but, due to restrictions, would have an adjusted model goal of 3% if you completed a full rebalance. AAPL is currently overweight. You create a Linked Trade directed trade using To Account Goal % to sell AAPL to its adjusted model goal of 3%. You also create a buy to use 98% of those proceeds to purchase AMZN.

Sell Losses (Sells)

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value


Use Underlying Account Value
  • Examines all lots of a security held at a loss to see if they meet the loss threshold you entered. If the criteria are met, Tamarac Trading sells every lot held at a loss.

  • If using substitutes, this directed trade will sell losses for the parent security along with any security set as a substitute. Each substitute will be evaluated to see if it meets your conditions and, if met, the trade will be generated on the substitute.

  • If the buy side of the trade does not meet the minimum trade size restriction, it will be canceled but the sell will not.

  • This setting ignores the following account and system settings: 

    • Lot-level restrictions on redemption fees and short-term gains.

    • Tax Loss Rebalance Settings as set on the Rebalancing System Settings page.

    • Account-level tax loss harvesting thresholds as set in the account's settings.

Example Trade

An individual account holds AAPL and some lots are held at a loss and this is a good opportunity to harvest losses on AAPL. You create a Sell Losses directed trade using the criteria Sell securities with a percentage loss greater than at 3% and and a dollar loss greater than at $10,000. Tamarac Trading then examines all lots of AAPL held at a loss and calculates the total percentage loss and total dollar loss. In this case, the AAPL lots held at a loss have a loss percentage of 4% and a total dollar loss of $10,500. Tamarac Trading then sells all AAPL lots held at a loss. In the linked trade, you concurrently create a buy for the proceeds of the sale to purchase AMZN.

Sell Gains (Sells)

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value


Use Underlying Account Value
  • Examines all lots of a security held at a gain to see if they meet the gain threshold you entered. If the criteria are met, Tamarac Trading sells every lot held at a gain.

  • If using substitutes, this directed trade will sell gains for the parent security along with any security set as a substitute. Each substitute will be evaluated to see if it meets your conditions and, if met, the trade will be generated on the substitute.

  • If the buy side of the trade does not meet the minimum trade size restriction, it will be canceled but the sell will not.

  • This setting ignores the following account and system settings: 

    • Lot-level restrictions on redemption fees and short-term gains.

    • Tax Loss Rebalance Settings as set on the Rebalancing System Settings page.

    • Account-level tax loss harvesting thresholds as set in the account's settings.

Example Trade

An individual account holds AAPL at a gain and is an opportunity to realize gains for a single security. You create a Sell Gains Linked Trade directed trade using the criteria Sell securities with a percentage gain greater than at 3% and and a dollar gain greater than at $10,000. Tamarac Trading then examines all lots of AAPL held at a gain and calculates the total percentage gain and total dollar gain. In this case, the AAPL lots held at a gain have a gain percentage of 4% and a total dollar gain of $10,500. Tamarac Trading then sells all AAPL lots held at a gain. In the linked trade, you concurrently create a buy for the proceeds of the sale to purchase AMZN.

% of Sell Value (Buys)

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value
  • Buys a specific percent of the sell value of the Linked Trade.

  • Cannot be changed.

Use Underlying Account Value
  • Buys a specific percent of the sell value of the Linked Trade.

  • Cannot be changed.

Mutual Fund Swap Quantity Types

The Mutual Fund Swap directed trade allows you to sell one position in a mutual fund and purchase another the next trading day.

Mutual Fund Swap directed trades are similar to Linked Trade directed trades in that you create a buy and a sell at the same time. However, their behavior and uses are different. Consider the following best practices when using Mutual Fund Swap: 

The following are the quantity types you'll see when generating a Mutual Fund Swap directed trade and what to expect when using either group or underlying account values:

Shares (Sells)

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value


Use Underlying Account Value

Sells the number of shares you specify.

Example Trade

You have an account that currently holds 1,000 shares of ABCX fund. You create a Mutual Fund Swap directed trade using the Shares quantity type and sell 1,000 shares of ABCX. You also create a buy using 100% of the sell value to purchase the XYZX fund.

$ Amount (Sells)

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value


Use Underlying Account Value

Sells the dollar amount you specify; dollar amount will be used to calculate the number of shares.

Example Trade

You have an account that currently holds $5,000 in ABCX fund. You create a Mutual Fund Swap directed trade using the $ Amount quantity type to sell $5,000 of ABCX. You also create a buy using 50% of the sell value to purchase XYZX fund. The remaining 50% of the proceeds will remain as available cash.

% of Security Value (Sells)

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value

Sells a specified percent of the security's value within the group.

Use Underlying Account Value

Sells a specified percent of the security's value within the individual account.

Example Trade

You have a group that currently holds $5,000 in ABCX fund. You create a Mutual Fund Swap directed trade using the % of Security Value quantity type to sell 90% of the value of ABCX. You also create a buy using 100% of the sell value, 90% of the total value of ABCX held, to purchase XYZX.

To Model Goal % (Sells)

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value

Sells to the goal percent of the group's model; quantity is set automatically for each individual account.

Use Underlying Account Value

Sells to the goal percent of the account's model.

Example Trade

You have an account that holds ABCX fund with a model goal of 2%, but ABCX is currently overweight. You create a Mutual Fund Swap directed trade using the To Model Goal % quantity type to sell ABCX to its model goal of 2%. You also create a buy to use 100% of those proceeds to purchase XYZX fund.

To Account Goal % (Sells)

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value

Sells a security to the adjusted target that would be traded if completing a full rebalance for the group.

Use Underlying Account Value

Sells a security to the adjusted target that would be traded if completing a full rebalance for the individual account.

Example Trade

You have an account that holds ABCX fund with a model goal of 2% but, due to restrictions, has an adjusted model goal of 3% if you completed a full rebalance. ABCX is currently overweight. You create a Mutual Fund Swap directed trade using To Account Goal % to sell ABCX to its adjusted model goal of 3%. You also create a buy to use 100% of those proceeds to purchase XYZX fund.

% of Sell Value (Buys)

Rebalancing group option Trade Behavior
Use Rebalancing Group Value
  • Buys a specific percent of the sell value of the Mutual Fund Swap.

  • Cannot be changed.

Use Underlying Account Value
  • Buys a specific percent of the sell value of the Mutual Fund Swap.

  • Cannot be changed.