
Show or Hide Order Instructions on the Rebalance Summary Report



See Order Instructions by Default in the Rebalance Summary



Order Instructions allow more control and flexibility when placing trades when using FIX Flyer. These instructions let you be more specific in your trading process, allowing you to make more informed decisions.

Order Instructions appear in the Rebalance Summary, Trade Reconciliation, Account Security Information, and Orders bulk reports. This ensures that you have a clear view of the relevant details while managing your trades. You can customize the display by showing or hiding these columns by default on the Rebalance Summary page.

See Order Instructions by Default in the Rebalance Summary

To set the default view for Order Instructions, follow these steps:

  1. From Rebalance & Trade, select Rebalance.
  2. In the row for the account or group you want to review, under the Rebalance Summary column, select Rebalance Summary ().
  3. Select the settings icon.
  4. Under Order Instructions, turn on Expanded.
  5. Select Save.