
Rebalancing System Settings: Trade File Settings



Filtering Trade File Formats

Available Settings

Equity Trade File Format

Mutual Fund Trade File Format

Trade File-Specific Fields



The Trade File Settings section allows you to select the Equity Trade File Formats and Mutual Fund Trade File Formats you'll want to use during the trading process. You can also add broker-specific information using additional fields.

Tamarac Trading offers a large number of trade files, though you may only need a fraction of those trade files for use in trading. Because of this, you can filter trade file formats so that the lists of trade files available throughout Tamarac Trading only list the trade files you select.

For more information, see Filtering Trade File Formats.

Filtering Trade File Formats

Tamarac Trading supports a large number of trade file formats for equities and mutual funds. As more trade file formats are added to support more users of Tamarac Trading, it can be come difficult to locate the particular trade file format from various drop-down lists, such as this one, the Equity Trade File Format list: 

To limit the number of trade files that appear these lists, you can select your supported trade file formats on the Rebalancing System Settings page.

Those trade file formats shown in the Selected lists will appear in various drop-down lists.

Those trade file formats in the Available lists will not appear in these lists.

Available Settings

The following settings are available under the Trade File Settings heading on the System Settings page.


Trade file formats identified as account defaults or assigned to accounts and marked with an asterisk (*) cannot be removed.

Equity Trade File Format

Adjust these lists as needed:

Setting Option More Information
Available List Trade files in this list are available but will not show up in various lists throughout Tamarac Trading, such as the Equity Trade File Format list on the Account Settings page.
Selected List Trade files in this list are available and will show up in various lists throughout Tamarac Trading.

Mutual Fund Trade File Format

Adjust these lists as needed:

Setting Option More Information
Available List Trade files in this list are available but will not show up in various lists throughout Tamarac Trading, such as the Mutual Fund Trade File Format list on the Account Settings page.
Selected List Trade files in this list are available and will show up in various lists throughout Tamarac Trading.

Trade File-Specific Fields

For the following fields, contact your custodian to find out if you need to enter specific information: