
Rebalancing System Settings: Upload Settings



Available Settings

Allow Negative Value Positions for Account Holdings

Allow Reason for Trade Notes to be Uploaded for Logged Orders

Include Tax Status in Upload

Include Tax Rates in Upload

Default Original Cost Per Share to the Current System Price if the Cost Per Share is Not Provided

Do not Report Account Value Discrepancy Warnings if the Uploaded Account Value is Within...

Holdings As of Date



The Upload Settings allow you to change how Tamarac Trading treats some of the information you add through upload.

Available Settings

The following settings are available under the Upload Settings heading on the Rebalancing System Settings page.

Allow Negative Value Positions for Account Holdings

Choose one of the following: 

Setting Option More Information
Selected Tamarac Trading will recognize and show existing negative value positions. These positions will show in rebalance reporting for clients
Cleared Tamarac Trading won't recognize negative value positions.

Allow Reason for Trade Notes to be Uploaded for Logged Orders

Choose one of the following: 

Setting Option More Information
Selected Tamarac Trading will allow the Order Information upload. This upload data set allows you to add reason for trade notes to existing orders in bulk at any time, regardless of reconciliation status.
Cleared Tamarac Trading won't allow the Order Information upload. This upload data set will not be visible to users in your firm.

Include Tax Status in Upload

Choose one of the following: 

Setting Option More Information
Selected Tamarac Trading will include tax status when you upload account data.
Cleared Tamarac Trading will not include tax status when you upload account data.

Include Tax Rates in Upload

Choose one of the following: 


This setting is applicable only to PortfolioCenter XML file uploads.

Setting Option More Information
Selected Tamarac Trading will include tax rates when you upload account data.
Cleared Tamarac Trading will not include tax rates when you upload account data.

Default Original Cost Per Share to the Current System Price if the Cost Per Share is Not Provided

Choose one of the following: 

Setting Option More Information
Selected Tamarac Trading will establish the default original cost per share on a security as the current system price if you have not provided an original cost per share. You won't see a gain/loss for the security because the cost basis will be set to the current system price.
Cleared Tamarac Trading will establish the original cost per share on a security as $0.01 if you have not provided an original cost per share. If you choose this option, you will see a dramatic change in gains because the cost basis will be a penny.

Do not Report Account Value Discrepancy Warnings if the Uploaded Account Value is Within...

Choose one of the following: 

Setting Option More Information
% Tamarac Trading will compare uploaded account value and holdings information and will warn you if the value you upload for a particular account is outside the range you enter. By choosing %, you can specify that threshold in terms of a percent of account value (e.g. warn of a discrepancy larger than 1% of account value).
$ Tamarac Trading will compare uploaded account value and holdings information and will warn you if the value you upload for a particular account is outside the range you enter. By choosing $, you can specify that threshold in terms of the dollar amount of the discrepancy (e.g. warn of a discrepancy larger than $100).

Once you've selected your value criteria, either % or $, enter your specific value as well.

Holdings As of Date

Choose one of the following: 

Setting Option More Information
Close Date When you update holdings by upload, Tamarac Trading will set the pricing date to the close date of the security.
Trade Date When you update holdings by upload, Tamarac Trading will set the pricing date to the trade date of the security.