
Date Period Name

Smart Help Video: Date Period Name

In this short video, you'll learn how to create date period names and considerations for date period naming.

This date period setting allows you to name the date period.

Where You'll See Date Period Name

You'll see Date Period Name in the following places: 

Date period lists

Date period lists will show your the date period name when you customize your reports. For more information about date periods in reports, see Date Period.

Here are two examples of date periods in reports, though you'll see date periods throughout Tamarac:

Date Periods page

You'll see Date Period Name when you sort the Date Periods page. To sort the Date Period Name column by ascending or descending alphabetical order, click the column header. The arrow direction indicates ascending or descending.

Add Merge Fields to Date Period Names

Use Date Period Name merge fields to provide more detail in date period names within reports. These merge fields will show actual dates when they appear in reports.

These are the merge fields available: 

Merge Field Output More Information
{From date} A date in MM/DD/YYYY format Shows the calculated or explicitly stated beginning date for this date period. If the beginning of the date period is inception, this merge field will show Inception.
{To date} A date in MM/DD/YYYY format Shows the calculated or explicitly stated end date for this date period.
{YYY of To date} A year in YYYY format Shows the year of the end date.

For example, for a date period from the inception of the account to the previous year end, the Date Period Name might be {From date} to {To date}. If you run a report on October 12, 2021, the date period would read Inception to 10/12/2021.

For more information on setting up and using dates and date periods, see Dates and Date Periods.