
Dates and Date Periods



Where You'll Find Dates and Date Periods in Tamarac

Difference Between Dates and Date Periods


Date Periods

When to Use a Temporary Dates and Date Periods



Whenever you run a report, you report on a certain time range. For example, at the end of the quarter, you report on the previous quarter's results. When looking at holdings, you check a portfolio's holdings on a certain day. In Tamarac, you designate these using dates and date periods, depending on the type of report you're running. For more information, see Contents.

With dates and date periods, you can:

Where You'll Find Dates and Date Periods in Tamarac

Reports and client communications in Tamarac are based on various dates and date periods. Once you create dates and date periods, you can apply them throughout Tamarac to keep reporting accurate and consistent.

You can set up dates and date periods in the following places: 

Difference Between Dates and Date Periods

Dates and date periods differ in what they accomplish in reporting tasks: 

The following is more information on the difference and between these two concepts and how they're used.


You may want to define a specific date, such as the previous month end, quarter end, or a significant date not related to the ends of quarters, months, or years. Dates let you capture a single point of time across many dynamic and PDF reports. Many holdings reports use a date because they report on what an account holds at a specific point in time.

These are the types of dates you can set up: 

For more information on creating dates, see Create, Edit, or Delete Dates.

Date Periods

Date periods represent a range of time. Many reports provide analysis and metrics that cover date ranges like the previous year or the current quarter. Date periods allow you to define and use that range of time across many dynamic and PDF reports. Date periods are common in transaction and performance reports to show what took place over a range of time.

The date period types are flexible and let you customize how you define ranges of time. These are the types of date periods you can set up: 

For more information on creating date periods, see Create, Edit, or Delete Date Periods.

When to Use a Temporary Dates and Date Periods

You can create temporary dates and date periods directly inside of some report settings. This is useful in situations where you want to troubleshoot issues or answer clients' questions.

When you know you won't want to use that range of time again, you can create a temporary date or date period for the report you're viewing. Temporary dates and date periods have these benefits: 

For more information on using temporary dates or date periods, see Create, Edit, or Delete a Temporary Date or Date Period.