
Specific Period

Smart Help Video: Specific Period

In this short video, you'll learn how specific date periods work and how to create a specific date period.

This date period setting allows you to set up a specific date period by using the calendars to select the start and end date for the period. Depending on the situation, you may also want to use the inception date as the start date.

When to Use

Use this date period when you want absolute, set dates. The date period will not update or change, but will remain constant. For example, you can create a date range that goes from January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2006.

A common specific period is from inception to a specific date. This allows some flexibility in the start of the period based on how long an account has been open, but defines a firm end to the period. For example, You create a specific period with Use inception as start date and set the end date to December 31, 2006. For an account that opened on April 15, 2006, the period would be from April 15, 2006 to December 31, 2006.

For more information on setting up and using dates and date periods, see Dates and Date Periods.