
Data Dictionary: S

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


S&P Bond Rating
S&P Bond Rating Effective Date
Sample Email Recipient
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Search Securities in Committed Capital
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Secondary Background Color
Secondary Benchmark Return
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Section (Reporting dashboard)
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Section Title
Security (manual security snapshots)
Security (rebalancing security setting)
Security (Symbol)
Security Group Categories
Security Group Name
Security Group Settings
Security Level Model
Security Level Model Name/Alternate Security Set
Security Restrictions
Security Return
Security Type
Security Type (account setting)
Security Type (manual security setting)
Security Type Mapping
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Send Trades to FIX Flyer Co-Pilot OMS for Execution
Separately Managed Account (Reporting)
Separately Managed Account Categories
Separately Managed Account Setting (Trading)
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Service Team Users (billing groups)
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Shares (mutual funds) (PDF theme)
Shares (non-mutual funds) (PDF theme)
Shares (Reconciliation Tolerances)
Sharpe Ratio
Short-Term Gain/Loss
Short-Term Realized Gain/Loss
Short-Term Unrealized Gain/Loss
Short Name (account settings)
Short Position
Short Term Gain Restriction Boundary
Short Term Realized Gains (manual security snapshots)
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Show the Following Activity Types (report setting)
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Show Values On (Net Worth report)
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Single Account Display Format
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SMA Subsector
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Spreadsheet View
ST Capital Gains Tax Rate
ST Realized Gain
Standard Deviation
Standard Match
Start Date
Start Date (announcements)
Start Date and End Date (for billing adjustment)
Start Quantity
State of Primary Residence
State Tax Rate
State Taxable
Straight Line
Strike Price
Sub-Group Accounts By
Subsequent Investments
Suppress Bill When Not Held
Suppress Yield and Duration
Suppress Yield/Duration by Default for New Securities
Sweep Cash Above Reserves
Symbol (cash column)
Symbol (fee schedules)
Symbol (securities)
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