
Data Dictionary: T

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


'To Date' Period
T+1 Cash
Tab Name
Target % (model setting)
Target (%)
Target Allocation
Target Allocation Chart Label
Target Allocation Name
Target Maximum Percent
Target Maximum Value
Target Minimum Percent
Target Minimum Value
Target Trade Date
Target Type (Security Level model setting)
Target Value
Target Weight
Tax Loss Harvesting Settings
Tax Status
Tax Status (asset location setting)
Tax Status (assets and liabilities settings)
Tax Withheld
Team Role
Template Description
Template Name (PDF templates)
Template Name (Post From FTP)
Template Type
Template Type Name
Text Alignment
Text and Page Formatting
Text Widget
Theme (in client views)
Theme (in PDF General Settings)
Theme (in PDF Reports)
Theme Name
This Is a Prospect/Test Account Setting
Ticker Links
Tile Background Color
Tile Text Color
Tile Types
Time-Weighted Return vs. Internal Rate of Return
Time Weighted Return
Title (billing definition rates setting)
Title (client views setting)
Title (PDF billing statement)
To (flat fees)
To (percentage rates)
Top Location
Top Custom Text
Top Text Alignment
Total Account Value
Total Adjustment Summary Title
Total Beginning Cash
Total Bill Summary Title
Total Buys ($)
Total Cash ($)
Total Cash (%)
Total Cash Reserves
Total Cost
Total Dollars
Total Fees (Reconciliation Tolerances)
Total Firm Revenue
Total Gain/Loss
Total Managed Value
Total Market Value
Total Number of Services Offered
Total Number of Clients
Total Realized Gain/Loss
Total Redemption Fee
Total Sells ($)
Total Shares
Total Unrealized Gain/Loss
Total Value
Total Weight
Tracking Error
Trade Date
Trade Date (Reconciliation Tolerances)
Trade File Settings
Traded Away Commissions
Traded By
Transaction Fee
Transaction Fee Fund
Transaction ID
Transactions Per Page
Transactions Source
Transfer of Securities
Treat as Committed Capital Security
Treat Security as Cash
Treat Transactions as End of Day for Performance Calculations
Treynor Ratio