
Top Custom Text


How Top Custom Text Works

In Dynamic Reports

In PDF Reports

Reports With This Setting


How Top Custom Text Works

Applies to:
Dynamic ✔ PDF

Client Portal

This setting allows you to add custom text at the top of a PDF template and designate its position on the page.

You might choose to add custom text to a billing PDF template to provide billing instructions like "This is not a bill. Payment has already been deducted directly from your account," or "Mail check to Cherry Street Financial."

It is also useful for other reports to provide disclaimers and to address any potential questions clients might have. For example, you might say "This report displays only transactions over $100,000," or "Report displays total assets, including both assets under the management of Cherry Street Financial and outside accounts not managed by Cherry Street."

In Dynamic Reports

This setting is not available for dynamic reports.

In PDF Reports

This setting allows you to add custom text above or below the report. To add text above the report, type the desired text into the Top custom text box. Text will be displayed below the header but above any report content.

When you enter text in the Top custom text box, you can also configure the text alignment using Top Text Alignment.

For example, the report displays custom text typed in the text box is displayed at either the top or bottom, according to which field it was entered into.

If nothing is entered into either field, the report is displayed without any custom text above or below it.

Reports With This Setting

Transaction Reports