
Total Market Value

Total Market Value is the sum of the market value of managed and unmanaged assets for a manual security snapshot. This value excludes assets and liabilities entered for net worth.

When selected, you can then enter the total market value for the security. This value may be a positive or negative number. To enter a negative number, type a dash before the number.

When cleared, you can automatically track value using contributions, withdrawals, and other details entered historically. This value is calculated in the following way: 

Last Total Market Value entered + subsequent flows = Current total market value

For example, if an asset began with $25,000, and had a contribution of $5,000, your value would automatically be calculated as $20,000.

Negative Total Market Value

For some alternative investments—particularly committed capital investments—fees may be charged up front, before any investments are made and before any capital is called. From the investor's perspective, the value of that investment would be negative because the total value is the fees. After the first capital call and the first investments are made, the position would eventually turn to a positive value.

To support this scenario and many others, when entering the total market value for your manual securities, you have the option to enter negative values. To enter a negative value, simply type a dash before the number in Total Market Value.

Learn More

For more information on entering the total market value for manual security snapshots, see Manual Securities and Manual Security Snapshots.