
Data Dictionary: B

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Background (for menu bar)
Background Gradient Style
Background Graphic
Balance As Of Date
Base Date Periods On
Base Quarterly and Annual Intervals On
Beginning Value
Benchmark (account setting)
Benchmark (security setting)
Benchmark 1 - 10
Benchmark Field and Column (category type setting)
Benchmark Override
Benchmarks 1-10 Start Date
Beneficial Billing Rate Tier Treatment (account setting)
Beneficial Billing Rate Tier Treatment Footnote Text
Bill At Single Rate
Bill By Total Portfolio or Category
Bill In Arrears or Advance
Bill Single Flat Fee
Billable Value
Billed Amount
Billing Closed Date
Billing Closed Date (account setting)
Billing Cycle (for billing definitions)
Billing Cycle (for billing groups)
Billing Date
Billing Definition
Billing Definition (for billing groups)
Billing Definition Description
Billing Definition Name
Billing Group Adjustment
Billing Group Adjustment End Date
Billing Group Adjustment Start Date
Billing Group Adjustment Type
Billing Group Minimum Fee
Billing Group Name
Billing Group Summary Title
Billing Group/Account (Adjustments)
Billing Groups
Billing Groups (Payment Details)
Billing Groups View Name
Billing Inception Date
Billing Inception Date (account setting)
Billing Period
Billing Rate
Blended Index Name
Blind Copy Recipients
Block Trades
Body Text
Bond Ratings
Bottom Custom Text
Bottom Text Alignment
Bulk Report (custom views)
Buy Only-Hard Restriction
Buy Priority
Buy/Sell Restrictions
Buys (fee schedules)
Buys on Hold